Andy Brick, composer, conductor, symphonist

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HMU 415 Contemporary Music Theory

Class Notes 14

12 Tone Theory and Serialism
Part III: Analysis

NOTE: These topics rely heavily on the course webnotes

All other items can be found in zip file on index page


"The 12 method is a means of liberation and {you} retain the right to break your own rules and make your own aesthetic choices"



Duet by Milton Babbitt

1.Click here for the pdf


In class assignment: Duet by Milton Babbitt

1. Analyze the first 5 bars
2. Identify Pø
3. Construct the 12 Tone Matrix

a. The original Pø Row

b. The Full Magic Square

c. The analysis

In class assignment

1. Identify the use of other Rows within Duet's 12 Tone Matrix


Homework: Assignment 1

Begin Final Exam