Curriculum Vitae

Lawrence (Yitzchok) E. Levine

Title: Adjunct Professor

Address: Department of Mathematical Sciences

Stevens Institute of Technology

Hoboken, NJ 07030

201-216-8379  Fax 201-216-8321


Education: Ph.D. in Mathematics from University of Maryland

M. Eng. (Honoris causa) from Stevens Institute of Technology

BS in Mathematics from Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

April 2004 to present: Author of the monthly column Glimpses into American Jewish History that appears in the Jewish Press as well as many front page articles.  See

2003 to present: Invited by a variety of groups to give lectures on topics of Jewish interest. See

2003 to present: Author of numerous articles dealing with a wide variety of issues that have appeared in major Jewish publications.


October, 2002 to June, 2003: Consultant to McNair Academic High School in Jersey City, NJ on a study regarding the teaching of algebra I using  laptops and other technology.

August, 2000 to May, 2001: Visiting Professor, Department of Mathematical Sciences, Army Military Academy, West Point, NY.

Experience at Stevens Institute of Technology:

March 2010 - Present: Affiliate Faculty Member of the Center for Innovation in Engineering and Science Education

Spring 2009 - Present: Supervisor of the Mathematics Track of the CIESE Curriculum Topic Study to Enhance Achievement in Mathematics and Science (C-Teams) This program is financed by a grant from the NJ Department of Education. See

Summer, 2010: Supervised Mathematics Track of the CIESE Curriculum Topic Study to Enhance Achievement in Mathematics and Science.  See

2008 - Present: Adjunct Professor in the Department of Mathematical Sciences

Summer, 1999: Coordinator of the Technology Calculus Project. This project prepared materials for use in first year calculus that aid in the integration of laptops and other technology in the teaching and learning of mathematics.

Summer, 1999: Coordinator of the the Teacher Technology Workshop.

Spring, 1999: Taught an innovative linear algebra course that integrated the use of laptops and computer technology in the teaching and learning of this subject matter.

Fall, 1998: Coordinator of Fall, 1998 meeting of the Mathematical Association of America at Stevens.

Summers, 1997 & 1998: Coordinator of Web Workshops for High School Teachers. Funded by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation.

Summer, 1996: Coordinator of Project to Develop New Techniques for the teaching of mathematics, chemistry, humanities, and social sciences. Developed computer and WEB materials for a new approach to teaching differential equations using Scientific Workplace and Maple

1996: Chair, Implementation and Science Committee. In this capacity I had responsibility for the implementation of a new integrated, engineering curriculum that incorporated cutting edge technology.

1995: Chair, Academic Planning and Resources Committee. This faculty committee has oversight responsibility for the extensive strategic planning presently underway at Stevens. A major portion of its work entails negotiation and interaction with the Stevens Administration as strategic plans are developed.

1991-1996: Professor and Head, Department of Mathematical Sciences. Led department to refocus efforts in applied mathematics through development of new undergraduate and graduate programs in mathematics as well as the introduction of computer technology in teaching. Increased enrollments in the undergraduate and graduate programs in mathematics.

During my tenure as head, external funding increased from essentially nil to approximately $200,000 per year. Instrumental in obtaining a gift of $350,000 to further the development of research and teaching in applied mathematics as well as a gift of $80,000 to equip a state-of-the-art computer laboratory. Supervised a $300,000 renovation of new quarters for the mathematics department and the subsequent move.

Operated the department with a balanced budget.

Spearheaded the effort to equip every faculty member with appropriate computer equipment and their use of this equipment in teaching and research. Implemented the use of electronic mail by faculty, teaching assistants, and staff.

Developed special courses to assist students with weak math backgrounds. Introduced weekend and summer courses for gifted high school students.

1990-1994: Site coordinator for Woodrow Wilson Summer Institutes in mathematics.

1984-1994: Designed and directed the Certificate Program in Computer Mathematics. This program was supported by the Geraldine R. Dodge Foundation and the NJ Department of Higher Education and upgraded the mathematics and computer skills of high school teachers. More than 230 teachers participated in this program. It had total funding of approximately $570,000.

1984-1986: Proposed, designed, and coordinated the NJ Faculty Retraining Program in Computer Science. This program retrained 35 college faculty (who earned Masters Degrees in computer science) from colleges throughout New Jersey so that they became qualified to teach computer science. It had total funding of approximately $550,000 from the NJ Department of Higher Education and required extensive interaction with officials at NJDHE.

1983-1986: MATH/CAI project director. This project developed cutting-edge interactive computer software for the teaching of mathematics. It had funding of approximately $25,000.

Summer 1983: Co-director of Summer Institute for NJ High School Teachers. This program upgraded the mathematics skills of high school teachers. It had funding of approximately $30,000 from the NJ Department of Higher Education.

1968-2008: Assistant, Associate (1972), and Full Professor (1977) of Mathematics. Developed and taught a wide range of undergraduate and graduate courses, advised students, and performed research in applied mathematics. Continuously involved in curricula improvements and updates. Integrated the utilization of computer technology in the teaching of mathematics. Developed a method whereby a gifted high school student can study advanced mathematics while at his/her high school. (Retired on December 31, 2008)

Commended by the Dean of the Faculty for excellent teaching evaluations.

Other Activities:


Member of the Editorial Review Board for AACE/SITE Journals

Member of the Editorial Board of the The Math/Science-Online Newsletter.

Listed in Who's Who in Education

Evaluated mathematics applets for Seton Hall University

Evaluated proposed new Master's Program in Mathematics at Kean University

Developed and taught mathematics courses for various Stevens off-campus programs. Consultant to Bell Telephone Laboratories, Whippany, NJ; evaluated math courses in Algerian Gas Program. Reviewed the third edition of Advanced Engineering Mathematics by O'Neil.

Research: Ph.D. advisor to 6 students. Published numerous papers in refereed, scholarly journals. Graduate advisor to all math teaching assistants from 1991 to the present. Advisor to numerous masters and bachelors students. Presented papers at AMS and SIAM meetings. Invited to give talks on CAI activities and CPCM activities at the National Conference on Microcomputers and Basic Skills in College, at Delft Technological University, and at Jerusalem College of Technology. Reviewer for Math Reviews. Attended 1996 NLII Conference in New Orleans. Presider at the1996 Ed-Media and Ed-Telecom Conference in Boston.

Member of the American Mathematical Society and the Association for the Advancement of Computer Education.


Served on virtually every institute committee at Stevens. Some examples: Chair, Health Insurance Team (This group is composed of faculty, administration, and staff, performs a yearly review of health plans, and advises the President of Stevens.); Chair, Committee to redesign the Science Curriculum; member of Faculty Council which worked with the Stevens Administration to implement a new Promotions and Tenure Policy; Chair, Promotions and Tenure Committee.

Community Service:

Hillel advisor, Associate Treasurer of the Boro Park Y, past president of Congregation Bais Yeshaya, former member of the Board of Governors of the Association of Orthodox Jewish Scientists, member of Board of Directors of Congregation Talmud Torah of Flatbush.