Nick Parziale's Research Group

This is the website of Nick Parziale's research group. Here you find information regarding my interests in the thermal/fluids area with applications in defense and energy/sustainability. You will also find information about the students working with me along with their interests.

Our group is actively recruiting students for fully-funded PhD Students in high-speed and reacting flows. Please see this announcement: PDF. Contact Parziale for more details.


14 Apr 2025 - Nick gives the Department of Aerospace and Ocean Engineering Seminar at Virginia Tech, “Hypersonic Turbulent Quantities and Drop Aerobreakup/Impact.”
01 Mar 2025 - Nick is appointed as the George Meade Bond Chair in Mechanical Engineering for a five-year term!
21 Feb 2025 - Nick gives the Mechanical & Nuclear Engineering Seminar at Virginia Commonwealth University, “Hypersonic Turbulent Quantities and Drop Aerobreakup/Impact.”
21 Jan 2025 - Spring Semester starts, Nick is teaching ME 545 - Introduction to Aerospace Engineering and ME 579 - Compressible Fluids in Aerospace Engineering.
17 Jan 2025 - Nick gives the GALCIT Colloquium at Caltech for Hans Hornung's 90th birthday celebration, “Hypersonic Turbulent Quantities and Drop Aerobreakup/Impact.”
14 Jan 2025 - Nick is awarded the Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE)! Click here for link to press release. Very thankful for all of the hard work from my PhD Students, past and present from Stevens Institute of Technology. Also thankful for all of the support from Ivett Leyva (who formally nominated me in 2018), Sarah Popkin, and Amanda Chou from Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR), and Eric Marineau from Office of Naval Research (ONR).
06 Jan 2025 - Group attends AIAA Scitech in Orlando, Florida. Nick gives an invited talk on the FLDI technique.
23 Dec 2024 - Alex, Jett and Nick publish a paper with Viqueira-Moreira and Brehm of UMD and Libeau of ONR on aerobreakup in the stagnation region of a high-speed projectile. We used the ONR railgun to launch projectiles at drops from Mach 3-5 at high Weber/Reynolds number. The movies are really neat, click here for link.
01 Sep 2024 - Timothy Keenoy joins the group as a PhD Student!
01 Sep 2024 - Nick is promoted to Full Professor!
01 Jun 2024 - Jaden Kokinakos joins the group as a PhD Student!
21 Mar 2024 - Parziale gives the Mechanical Engineering Seminar at City College of New York, “Hypersonic Turbulence Measurement and Observations of Drop Aerobreakup and Impact.”
09 Feb 2024 - The group is awarded an Office of Naval Research grant "DURIP: Novel Measurements in Multiphase and/or Turbulent Flows (N00014-24-1-2202)," Office of Naval Research, 3/1/2024-2/28/2025, 1 Years, $312,784, Parziale is the PI.
02 Feb 2024 - Parziale gives the Aerospace Engineering Seminar at University of Minnesota, “Hypersonic Turbulence Measurement and Observations of Drop Aerobreakup and Impact.”
08 Jan 2024 - Parziale Group attends AIAA Scitech in Orlando. Presentations on tagging velocimetry, FLDI and aerobreakup.
01 Jul 2023 - Webpage neglected...We've been busy!
12 Jun 2023 - Group attend AIAA Aviation in San Diego, CA.
06 Jun 2023 - Nick attends the 2023 Boundary-Layer Transition Workshop hosted by AFOSR, ONR, and NASA in Arlington, Va. Assess roadmaps and the current state-of-the-art in high-speed boundary-layer transition research to help AFOSR/ONR/NASA plan for the future.
01 Jun 2023 - Jett Langhorn joins the group as a PhD Student!
01 Jun 2023 - The group is awarded an Office of Naval Research grant "Turbulence Quantities in Supersonic and Hypersonic Flows (N00014-23-1-2474)," , 5/1/2023-4/30/2027, 4 Years, $952,917, Parziale is the PI.
23 Jan 2023 - Group attends AIAA Scitech at National Harbor, Maryland.
01 Jul 2022 - Webpage neglected...We've been busy!
08 Jun 2022 - David, Ammar, and Nick publish an article with Bryan Schmidt's research group in Experiments in Fluids: `Determining velocity from tagging velocimetry images using optical flow'. DOI.
01 Jun 2022 - James Chen joins the group!
23 May 2022 - Nick attends the NATO STO AVT-346 Hypersonic Transition meeting (virtual). Serves as subtask lead for high-enthalpy effects.
11 May 2022 - Nick attends the NATO STO AVT-352 Hypersonic Turbluence meeting (virtual).
29 Apr 2022 - David Shekhtman successfully defends his PhD Thesis titled: "Multiphoton Processes for High Speed Optical Diagnostics"
03 Jan 2022 - David, Ahsan, Alex, and Nick attend AIAA Scitech 'virtually.' We presenting five papers on boundary-layer instability, KTV in AEDC Tunnel 9 at 100 kHz, ballistic-range testing at Southwest Research Institute, and the new reflected-shock tunnel at Stevens.

30 Aug 2021 - First day of class, teaching: Heat Transfer, Senior Design
16 Aug 2021 - Ben Segall joins the group!
02 Aug 2021 - Alex, David, Ahsan, and Nick attend AIAA Aviation 'virtually.' We're presenting papers on FLDI, Holography, and IO analysis.
02 Jun 2021 - The National Aeronautics and Space Administration at Langley Research Center and Stevens Institute of Technology enter into Space Act Agreement SAA1-34215 to study ‘Boundary layer measurements with advanced diagnostics’
04 May 2021 - Nick attends the Hypersonic Reacting and Nonreacting Turbulence Workshop (HTW). Contributer to Team 4 on high-speed turbulence measurements.
29 Apr 2021 - Nick attends the NATO STO AVT-346 Hypersonic Transition meeting (virtual). Serves as subtask lead for high-enthalpy effects.
11 Apr 2021 - David, Ammar, and Nick publish the KTV experiments in Caltech's T5 with Wesley Yu and Joanna Austin in Experiments in Fluids. DOI.
11 Apr 2021 - Stevens Institute of Technology becomes a member of the University Consortium for Applied Hypersonics.
11 Jan 2021 - David, Ahsan, and Nick attend AIAA Scitech 'virtually.' We're presenting five papers on FLDI, KTV in T5, line tracking techniques for tagging velocimetry, the new reflected-shock tunnel at Stevens, and krypton cross sections.

15 Dec 2020 - David, Ammar, and Nick conduct virtual KTV experiments in Caltech's T5 with Wesley Yu and Joanna Austin
30 Nov 2020 - David, Ammar, and Nick publish an article in AO describing optimal excitations for KTV and Kr-PLIF. DOI
31 Aug 2020 - Alex Dworzanczyk joins the group to work on the ONR-MURI project: ''Particulate and Precipitation Effects on High-speed Flight Vehicles.''
31 Aug 2020 - Nick is tenured and promoted to Associate Professor.
15 Jul 2020 - Muhammad leaves the group to start a job at Innoveering. We wish him all the luck!
01 Jun 2020 - The lab wins/begins a $1.2M grant from the ONR-MURI Program Titled: ''Particulate and Precipitation Effects on High-speed Flight Vehicles'' (N00014-20-1-2682). Tom Schwartzentruber of the University of Minnesota is the lead university of the $7.5M effort. Link
01 Jun 2020 - The lab wins/begins a $755k grant from the ONR DURIP Program Titled: ''Time Resolved, Non-Intrusive Measurements in Unsteady Hypersonic Flows'' (N00014-20-1-2637) Link
07 Apr 2020 - The lab wins a $468k grant from the ONR YIP Program Titled: ''Scaling and Structure in Transitional and Turbulent Hypervelocity Flows'' (N00014-20-1-2549) Link
10 Feb 2020 - Nick wins Stevens Employee Excellence Award for “Excellence in All We Do.” Link
01 Feb 2020 - Roshan and Nick publish an article in IJHMT describing the novel biomass to bio-oil conversion reactor. DOI
21 Jan 2020 - First day of class for Spring 2020, teaching: Intro to Aerospace Engineering, Senior Design.
06 Jan 2020 - Nick and Ahsan attend AIAA SciTech 2020 and present a paper on FLDI boundary-layer instability measurements.

08 Aug 2019 - The lab wins a $301,575k instrumentation award to support the construction of a Mach 6 reflected-shock tunnel! (Program Manager: Dr. Eric Marineau, N00014-19-1-2523)
14 Jul 2019 - Muhammad attends ISSW 32 and presents papers on KTV and shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction.
06 Jun 2019 - Muhammad, David, and Nick publish an article in Physical Review Applied describing a new version of KTV that requires only a single laser. DOI
21 May 2019 - Muhammad Mustafa is hooded at the PhD hooding ceremony. Photo
21 May 2019 - Nick wins the Provost's Early Career Award for Research Excellence. Photo
17 May 2019 - Muhammad Mustafa wins the James H. Potter Award at the Graduate Awards Ceremony. This award is given annually for outstanding performance in the doctoral program in Mechanical Engineering. Photo
24 Apr 2019 - Muhammad Mustafa successfully defends his PhD Thesis titled: "Krypton Tagging Velocimetry Investigation of High-Speed Flows"
25 Mar 2019 - The lab wins a $86k instrumentation award to support KTV work! (Program Manager: Dr. Ivett Leyva, FA9550-19-1-0182) DoD Release.
31 Jan 2019 - Muhammad, Nick, Mike Smith, and Eric Marineau have an article accepted to the Journal of Fluid Mechanics on the structure of disturbances in a supersonic compression-corner shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction.
22 Jan 2019 - First day of class for Spring 2019, teaching: Intro to Aerospace Engineering, Senior Design.
08 Jan 2019 - Christopher Houthuysen, Ahsan Hameed, and David Shekhtman pass their PhD qualifying exams (Thermal/Energy Systems).
07 Jan 2019 - Nick and Muhammad attend AIAA SciTech 2019 and present a paper on KTV measurements in the Stevens shock tube in air and N2.
01 Jan 2019 - Nick and Spectral Energies are selected for a USAF SBIR Phase II contract titled "Non-intrusive, Time Resolved Measurement of Density and Velocity Perturbations in Supersonic and Hypersonic Wind Tunnels" (USAF Contract No. FA2487-19-C-0013).

05 Sep 2018 - Muhammad has a successful thesis proposal.
27 Aug 2018 - First day of class, teaching: Heat Transfer, Senior Design
01 Aug 2018 - The Parziale Research Group wins a $1.5 million grant from the Air Force Office of Scientific Research for the project “Radiative and Dispersive Behavior of Instabilities in a Highly-Cooled Hypersonic Boundary Layer.” Nick is the PI and is working with collaborators including University of Maryland, Sandia and Orbital-ATK.
31 Jul 2018 - Nick attends AFOSR High-Speed Aerodynamics Portfolio Review
02 Jul 2018 - David Shekhtman joins the Parziale research group as a PhD student to study high-speed and reacting flows.
25 Jun 2018 - Nick attends AIAA Aviation 2018 and presents a paper on Mach 3 shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction.
21 Jun 2018 - Nick speaks at the DoD Basic Research Forum in Arlington, VA with a talk entitled: Characterization of Previously Inaccessible Supersonic and Hypersonic Flows.
07 Jun 2018 - Roshan Adhikari passes his PhD qualifying exams (Thermal/Energy Systems).
18 May 2018 - Muhammad and Nick have an Optics Letters submission accepted on Simplified read schemes for krypton tagging velocimetry in N2 and air.
16 May 2018 - Ahsan Hameed joins the Parziale research group as a PhD student to study noise radiation from high-speed boundary layers.
01 Mar 2018 - Nick is a Co-PI on a $3.8 million grant from the U.S. Department of Defense for the project titled “Net Zero Technologies for the Army's Industrial Munitions Base.” Christos Christodoulatos, the director of the Center for Environmental Systems, is PI. Nick and Roshan will begin studying Nitrogen-based fuels.
17 Jan 2018 - Christopher Houthuysen joins the Parziale research group as a part-time PhD student (Picatinny Arsenal) to study the modeling of ballistics and propellants.
17 Jan 2018 - First day of class for Spring 2018, teaching: Intro to Aerospace Engineering, Senior Design.
08 Jan 2018 - Nick and Muhammad attend AIAA SciTech 2018 and present a paper on 2D-KTV measurements in a shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction.

28 Aug 2017 - First day of class, teaching: Heat Transfer, Senior Design
07 Aug 2017 - Nick and Spectral Energies are selected for a USAF SBIR Phase I contract titled "Non-intrusive, Time Resolved Measurement of Density and Velocity Perturbations in Supersonic and Hypersonic Wind Tunnels" (USAF Contract No. FA9101-17-P-0094).
24 Jul 2017 - Nick attends AFOSR High-Speed Aerodynamics Portfolio Review
12 Jul 2017 - Muhammad, Nick, Mike Smith, and Eric Marineau have a Technical Note accepted without revision on KTV measurements in AEDC Hypervelocity Tunnel 9.
25 Jun 2017 - Nick and Muhammad attend AIAA Aviation 2017 and present a paper on KTV measurements in the Stevens Shock Tube. Nick presents an invited talk to AMT and FD on a review of the FLDI technique.
12 Mar 2017 - Nick accepts an Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship to work at AEDC Tunnel-9 for Summer 2017 on non-intrusive optical diagnostics. Muhammad Mustafa (Stevens BS '16, MS '16) will be joining.
24 May 2017 - Muhammad Mustafa passes his PhD qualifying exam Thermal/Energy Systems
17 May 2017 - Nick is voted in to serve as on the Academic Appeals Committee
01 Feb 2017 - Nick becomes a memeber of the AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Technical Committee (AMT-TC)
18 Jan 2017 - First day of class for Spring 2017, teaching: Intro to Aerospace Engineering, Senior Design
08 Jan 2017 - Nick attends AIAA SciTech 2017 and presents a paper on KTV measurements in a shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction

29 Aug 2016 - First day of class, teaching: Heat Transfer, Senior Design
27 Jun 2016 - Nick attends AFOSR High-Speed Aerodynamics Portfolio Review
21 Jun 2016 - Nick attends AFOSR Young Investigators Research Program Annual Meeting
22 May 2016 - Nick moves to Silver Spring, MD for the summer to work on non-intrusive optical diagnostics at AEDC White Oak.
16 Apr 2016 - Drew, Nick, Mike and Eric publish an article about the application of KTV to turbulent boundary layers in Experiments in Fluids.
14 Mar 2016 - Nick accepts an Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship to work at AEDC Tunnel-9 for Summer 2016 on non-intrusive optical diagnostics. Matt Hunt (Stevens MS '16) will be joining.
11 Feb 2016 - Nick gives a talk at City College of New York: "Compressible Boundary Layers in High-Speed and Reacting Flows"
14 Jan 2016 - Nick wins an Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator Research Program (YIP) grant! (Program Manager: Dr. lvett Leyva) DoD Release.
13 Jan 2016 - Stevens Institute of Technology is selected to fly a high-speed surface pressure measurement canister on a sounding rocket for ROCKSAT-C program.
04 Jan 2016 - Nick attends AIAA SciTech 2016 and presents a paper on KTV measurements in a supersonic turbulent boundary layer

15 Dec 2015 - Drew Zahradka defends his MS thesis "Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV) In Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers"
10 Dec 2015 - Nick gives a talk at University of Maryland: "Compressible Boundary Layers in High-Speed and Reacting Flows"
16 Sep 2015 - Nick, Joe Shepherd, and Hans Hornung have a article accepted to the Jorunal of Fluid Mechanics about high-speed boundary-layer instability.
31 Aug 2015 - First day of class, teaching: Heat Transfer, Senior Design
16 Aug 2015 - Nick attends the 250th ACS national meeting and gives a talk: "Novel thermo-chemical biomass conversion with the reciprocating biomass conversion reactor (RBCR)"
04 Jun 2015 - The lab wins a $325k instrumentation award to support KTV work! (Program Manager: Dr. lvett Leyva, FA9550-15-1-0325) DoD Release.
26 May 2015 - Nick moves to Silver Spring, MD for the summer to work on non-intrusive optical diagnostics at AEDC White Oak.
01 May 2015 - Nick, Mike Smith (AEDC), and Eric Marineau (AEDC) have an article accepted to Applied Optics on Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV)
25 Mar 2015 - Nick accepts an Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship to work at AEDC Tunnel-9 for Summer 2015 on non-intrusive optical diagnostics. Drew Zahradka (Stevens MS '16) will be joining.
20 Jan 2015 - First day of class for Spring 2015, teaching: Heat Transfer, Intro to Aerospace Engineering, Senior Design
04 Jan 2015 - Nick attends AIAA SciTech 2015 and presents four papers on the RBCR, KTV, Schlieren light sources, and Shock tunnel cleanliness

24 Oct 2014 - Nick attends IESC 2014 and gives a talk: "Reciprocating Biomass Conversion Reactor"
09 Oct 2014 - Nick gives a talk at SUNY Binghamton: "Reacting/high-speed flow investigation with non-intrusive optical techniques"
29 Sep 2014 - Jason Rabinovitch of JPL presents a paper (Nick appears as a co-author) describing the educational impacts of the Caltech Space Challenge at the 2014 International Aerospace Congress in Toronto.
25 Aug 2014 - First day of class, teaching: Heat Transfer, Senior Design
04 Aug 2014 - Nick moves back to Hoboken, NJ and moves to EAS 208
02 Jun 2014 - Nick moves to Silver Spring, MD for the summer to work on non-intrusive optical diagnostics at AEDC White Oak.
09 Apr 2014 - Nick accepts an offer from Stevens to join the Mechanical Engineering Dept as an Assistant Professor in fall 2014
01 Apr 2014 - Nick accepts an Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship to work at AEDC Tunnel-9 for Summer 2014 on non-intrusive optical diagnostics
16 Mar 2014 - Nick attends the 247th ACS national meeting and gives a talk: "Thermo-chemical biomass conversion by piston compression of surrounding gas"
03 Feb 2014 - Nick gives a talk at Notre Dame: "Optical Diagnostics for High-Speed/Reacting Flows"
31 Jan 2014 - Nick gives a talk at Rutgers: "Optical Diagnostics for High-Speed/Reacting Flows"
14 Jan 2014 - First day of class for Spring 2014, teaching: Heat Transfer, Intro to Aerospace Engineering, Senior Design
03 Jan 2014 - Nick, Joe Shepherd, and Hans Hornung have an article accepted to Experiments in Fluids about windtunnel noise.

20 Dec 2013 - Grades are in for first term at Stevens.
06 Dec 2013 - Nick has an abstract accepted to the 247th ACS meeting in Dallas, Texas, March 16-20, 2014
12 Sep 2013 - Web page launch
28 Aug 2013 - First day of class, teaching: Heat Transfer, Senior Design
09 Aug 2013 - Moved from Pasadena, CA to Hoboken, NJ


Nick Parziale (PI)

I was born and raised on Long Island, NY. In my free time I enjoy playing with my kids, running, and following the Yankees, Giants and Rangers figure out how to lose in novel ways.


Ph.D. California Institute of Technology (2013)
Dissertation: Slender-Body Hypervelocity Boundary-Layer Instability
M.S. California Institute of Technology (2009)
B.S.M.E. SUNY Binghamton (w/ honors 2008)


George Meade Bond Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stevens (2025-)
Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stevens (2024-)
Associate Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stevens (2020-2024)
Assistant Professor of Mechanical Engineering at Stevens (2014-2020)
Air Force Summer Faculty Fellow (Summer 2014, Summer 2015, Summer 2016, Summer 2017)
Visiting Assistant Professor at Stevens (2013-2014)
Postdoctoral Scholar at Caltech (2013)
Graduate Research Assistant at Caltech (2009-2013)
Langley Aerospace Research Student Scholar (Summer 2007)


Presidential Early Career Award for Scientists and Engineers (PECASE) (2025) Click here for link to press release.
Office of Naval Research (ONR) Young Investigator Research Program (YIP). DoD Release. (FY 2020)
Stevens Employee Excellence Award for “Excellence in All We Do.” (2020)
Stevens Provost's Early Career Award for Research Excellence. Photo (2019)
Air Force Office of Scientific Research (AFOSR) Young Investigator Research Program (YIP). DoD Release. (FY 2016)
Ernest E. Sechler Award for teaching and research (June 2013)
Award of Appreciation for Caltech Space Challenge (March 2013)
Shirley Thomas Academic Scholarship from the AHS (September 2012)
Donald Wills Douglas Fellowship (2008-2009)
ME Dept. Service Award at SUNY Binghamton (May 2008)


Appointed to North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO) Research and Technology Organisation (RTO) Applied Vehicle Technology (AVT) Panel; collaborative efforts between NATO member countries on hypersonic boundary-layer instability, transition and turbulence
Member of Professional Societies: AIAA (Associate Fellow), ASME, OSA, ACS, APS
Member of AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology Technical Committee (AMT-TC)
Member of Honor Societies: Phi Eta Sigma, Tau Beta Pi, Pi Tau Sigma

Current Doctoral Students

Alex Dworzanczyk
Timothy Keenoy
Jaden Kokinakos
Jett Langhorn
Ben Segall

Former Master's and Doctoral Students

Christopher Houthuysen (Ph.D. Thesis) - Spring 2023 "A Methodology for Determining the Burn Rates of Complex Solid Gun Propellants Through Closed Bomb Simulation."
Roshan Adhikari (Ph.D. Thesis) - Spring 2023 "Analysis of the Thermal Decomposition of Munitions Wastewater."
Ahsan Hameed (Ph.D. Thesis) - Spring 2023 "Spectral Analysis of Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Instability."
David Shekhtman (Ph.D. Thesis) - Spring 2022 "Multiphoton Processes for High-speed Optical Diagnostics."
Muhammad Mustafa (Ph.D. Thesis) - Spring 2019 "Krypton Tagging Velocimetry Investigation of High-Speed Flows."
Jeffrey Desorbo (Master's Project) - Spring 2019
Ahsan Hameed (Master's Project) - Spring 2018
Matthew Hunt (Master's Project) - Spring 2017
John Laggner (Master's Project) - Spring 2017
Drew Zahradka (Master's Thesis) - Spring 2015. "Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV) In Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers."

Undergraduate Students

Naomi Fernandez (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar) - Summer 2024
Logan Hickey (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar) - Summer 2024
Noemi Gavazzi (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar) - Summer 2023
Jack Liedel (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar) - Summer 2023
Jaden Kokinakos (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar) - Summer 2023
Jason Cakerri (NSF REU) - Summer 2023
Ronald Martino (Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering) - Spring 2023
Jett Langhorn (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar/Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering) - Summer 2022/Fall 2023
Logan Lewis (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar/ Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering) - Summer 2022/Fall 2023
Nick Marchuk (NSF REU) - Summer 2022
Giovanna Caravaglia (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar) - Summer 2022
Nick Oblonsky (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar) - Summer 2022
Andrew Sayad (NSF REU) - Summer 2021
Travis Brown (AFOSR Summer Scholar) - Summer 2021
Joshua Small (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar) - Summer 2021
James Chen (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar) - Summer 2021
Joyce Lin (Mechanical Engineering Summer Scholar) - Summer 2021
Stefan Olaguera (Pinnacle Summer Scholar) - Summer 2020
Simon Pepa (Pinnacle Summer Scholar) - Summer 2020
Bryan Szayna (Pinnacle Summer Scholar) - Summer 2020
Michael Wojciechowski (Pinnacle Summer Scholar) - Summer 2020
Tim Werder (Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering) - Spring 2020
Jack Franco (Researcher) - Fall 2019
Samanta Molla (Researcher) - Summer 2019
Jennifer Robbins (I&E Summer Scholars Program) - Summer 2018
Luca Pasquariello (Summer Researcher) - Summer 2018
Thomas Flahrety (Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering) - Spring 2018
Abraham Edens (Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering) - Spring 2018
William Skwirut (Special Topics in Mechanical Engineering) - Spring 2018
Matthew Hunt (Stevens Summer Scholar) - Summer 2015
Nirav Sampat (Stevens Summer Scholar) - Summer 2015
Julia Vance (Stevens Summer Scholar) - Summer 2015
Leon Kirman (Stevens Summer Scholar) - Summer 2015

High School Students

Avram Dreyer (Bergen County Technical High School) - Academic Year 2024/2025
Praneel Kalpathy Krishnakumar (Bergen County Technical High School) - Academic Year 2023/2024
Yhara Barba (Bergen County Technical High School) - Academic Year 2022/2023
Frank Puchalski (Bergen County Technical High School) - Academic Year 2021/2022
Anthony Cammarano (Bergen County Technical High School) - Academic Year 2020/2021
Jonathan Lee (Academy for the Advancement of Science and Technology at Bergen County Academies) - Summer 2017


Google Scholar

Peer-reviewed Publications

Dworzanczyk, A.R. and Viqueira-Moreira, M. and Langhorn, J.D. and Libeau, M.A. and Brehm, C. and Parziale, N. J., “On aerobreakup in the stagnation region of high-Mach-number flow over a bluff body,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 1002, 2025, pp. A1. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2024.1092. DOI, PDF

Patel, M., Rubio, J. S., Shekhtman, D., Parziale, N., Rabinovitch, J., Ni, R., and Capecelatro, J., “Experimental and numerical investigation of inertial particles in underexpanded jets,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 1000, 2024, pp. A60. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2024.1014. DOI, PDF

Paquin, L. A., Hameed, A., Parziale, N. J., and Laurence, S. J., “Time-resolved wave packet development in highly cooled hypersonic boundary layers,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 983, 2024, pp. A36. doi: 10.1017/jfm.2024.71. DOI, PDF

Adhikari, R., Parziale, N. J., Su, T.-L., Braida, W., and Christodoulatos, C., “Analysis of the Thermal Decomposition of Munitions Wastewater,” Propellants, Explosives, Pyrotechnics, Vol. 49, 2024, pp. e202300139. doi: 10.1002/prep.202300139. DOI, PDF

Segall, B. A., Shekhtman, D., Hameed, A., Chen, J. H., and Parziale, N. J., “Profiles of streamwise velocity and fluctuations in a hypersonic turbulent boundary layer using acetone tagging velocimetry,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 64, No. 122, 2023. doi: 10.1007/s00348-023-03647-2. DOI, PDF

Segall, B. A., Shekhtman, D., Hameed, A., Chen, J. H., Dworzanczyk, A. R., and Parziale, N. J., “Debris Blocker and Flow Terminator for a Shock Tunnel,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 61, No. 6, 2023, pp. 2739–2743. doi: 10.2514/1.J062348. DOI, PDF

Jiang, N., Hsu, P. S., Grib, S. W., Slipchenko, M., Shekhtman, D., Parziale, N. J., Smith, M. S., Spicer, A. J., and Roy, S., “Mach 18 Flow Velocimetry with 100-kHz KTV and PLEET in AEDC Tunnel 9,” Applied Optics, Vol. 62, No. 6, 2023, pp. A25–A30. doi: 10.1364/AO.477203. DOI, PDF

Hameed, A. and Parziale, N. J., “Focused Laser Differential Interferometric Investigation of Turbulent Jet Spectra,” Journal of Spacecraft and Rockets, Vol. 59, No. 5, 2022, pp. 1565–1573. doi: 10.2514/1.A35292. DOI, PDF

Gevelber, T. S., Schmidt, B. E., Mustafa, M. A., Shekhtman, D., and Parziale, N. J., “Determining velocity from tagging velocimetry images using optical flow,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 63, No. 6, 2022, pp. 104. doi: 10.1007/s00348-022-03448-z. DOI, PDF

Shekhtman, D., Yu, W. M., Mustafa, M. A., Parziale, N. J., and Austin, J. M., “Freestream velocity-profile measurement in a large-scale, high-enthalpy reflected-shock tunnel,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 62, No. 118, 2021, pp. 1–13. doi: 10.1007/s00348-021-03207-6. DOI, PDF

Shekhtman, D., Mustafa, M. A., and Parziale, N. J., “Two-photon cross-section calculations for krypton in the 190-220 nm range,” Applied Optics, Vol. 59, No. 34, 2020, pp. 10826–10837. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J. and Adhikari, R., “Model and sensitivity analysis of the reciprocating biomass conversion reactor (RBCR),” International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, Vol. 147, 2020, pp. 118988. DOI, PDF

Mustafa, M. A., Shektman, D., and Parziale, N. J., “Single-Laser Krypton Tagging Velocimetry Investigation of Supersonic Air and N2 Boundary-Layer Flows over a Hollow Cylinder in a Shock Tube,” Physical Review Applied, Vol. 11, No. 6, 2019, pp. 064013. DOI, PDF

Mustafa, M. A., Parziale, N. J., Smith, M. S., and Marineau, E. C., “Amplification and structure of streamwise-velocity fluctuations in compression-corner shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interactions,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 863, 2019, pp. 1091–1122. DOI, PDF

Mustafa, M. A. and Parziale, N. J., “Simplified read schemes for krypton tagging velocimetry in N2 and air,” Optics Letters, Vol. 43, No. 12, 2018, pp. 2909–2912. DOI, PDF

Mustafa, M. A., Parziale, N. J., Smith, M. S., and Marineau, E. C., “Nonintrusive Freestream Velocity Measurement in a Large-Scale Hypersonic Wind Tunnel,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 55, No. 10, 2017, pp. 3611–3616. DOI, PDF

Jewell, J. S., Parziale, N. J., Leyva, I. A., and Shepherd, J. E., “Effects of Shock-Tube Cleanliness on Hypersonic Boundary Layer Transition at High Enthalpy,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 55, No. 1, 2017, pp. 332–338. DOI, PDF

Zahradka, D., Parziale, N. J., Smith, M. S., and Marineau, E. C., “Krypton tagging velocimetry in a turbulent Mach 2.7 boundary layer,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 57, 2016, pp. 62. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., Shepherd, J. E., and Hornung, H. G., “Observations of hypervelocity boundary-layer instability,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 781, 2015, pp. 87–112. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., Smith, M. S., and Marineau, E. C., “Krypton tagging velocimetry of an underexpanded jet,” Applied Optics, Vol. 54, No. 16, 2015, pp. 5094–5101. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., Shepherd, J. E., and Hornung, H. G., “Free-stream density perturbations in a reflected-shock tunnel,” Experiments in Fluids, Vol. 55, No. 2, 2014, pp. 1665. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., Rabinovitch, J., Blanquart, G., Hornung, H. G., and Shepherd, J. E., “Proposed Vertical Expansion Tunnel,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 51, No. 12, 2013, pp. 2792–2799. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., Shepherd, J. E., and Hornung, H. G., “Differential Interferometric Measurement of Instability in a Hypervelocity Boundary Layer,” AIAA Journal, Vol. 51, No. 3, 2013, pp. 750–754. DOI, PDF

Laurence, S. J., Parziale, N. J., and Deiterding, R., “Dynamical separation of spherical bodies in supersonic flow,” Journal of Fluid Mechanics, Vol. 713, 2012, pp. 159–182. DOI, PDF, featured on the volume cover

Conference Papers and Abstracts

Dworzanczyk, A. R., Langhorn, J. D., Parziale, N. J., Libeau, M. A., Brehm, C., and Viqueira-Moreira, M., “Instability Analysis of Drop Aerobreakup at High Mach Number,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2025, AIAA-2025-1504, Orlando, Florida, 6-10 January 2025. doi: 10.2514/6.2025-1504. DOI, PDF

Benitez, E. K., Ceruzzi, A. P., Gragston, M., Parziale, N. J., Schmidt, B. E., and Weisberger, J. M., “Focused Laser Differential Interferometry: Recent Developments and Applications for Flow Measurements,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2025, AIAA-2025-2017, Orlando, Florida, 6-10 January 2025. doi: 10.2514/6.2025-2017. DOI, PDF

Segall, B. A., Keenoy, T. C., Parziale, N. J., and Shekhtman, D., “Towards Wall-Normal Fluctuation Measurements in a Mach 6 Turbulent Boundary Layer,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2025, AIAA-2025-2612, Orlando, Florida, 6-10 January 2025. doi: 10.2514/6.2025-2612. DOI, PDF

Chen, J. H., Hameed, A., Parziale, N. J., Roy, D., and Duan, L., “Spectral Analysis of Mach 6 Turbulent Boundary Layer over a Hollow Cylinder with FLDI and DNS,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2024, AIAA 2024-2734, Orlando, Florida, 8-12 January 2024. doi: 10.2514/6.2024-2734. DOI, PDF

Hameed, A., Chen, J. H., Parziale, N. J., Kuehl, J., Liang, T., Graziose, K., Brehm, C., Dungan, S., Brazier, J.-P., Paquin, L. A., and Laurence, S. J., “High Enthalpy Effects on Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition: T5 Experimental and Numerical Comparison,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2024, AIAA 2024-0289, Orlando, Florida, 8-12 January 2024. doi: 10.2514/6.2024-0289. DOI, PDF

Segall, B. A., Shekhtman, D., Langhorn, J., , and Parziale, N. J., “Improved Debris Blocker and Flow Terminator in a Shock Tunnel,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2024, AIAA 2024-2570, Orlando, Florida, 8-12 January 2024. doi: 10.2514/6.2024-2570. DOI, PDF

Viquiera-Moreira, M., Dworzanczyk, A., Parziale, N. J., and Brehm, C., “Numerical Investigation of Droplet Aerobreakup and Impingement Experiments at Mach 5,” Proceedings of AIAA Aviation 2023, AIAA-2023-4251, San Diego, California and Virtual Event, 12-16 June 2023. doi: 10.2514/6.2023-4251. DOI, PDF

Sayad, A., Rabinovitch, J., Dworzanczyk, A., and Parziale, N. J., “Numerical Modeling of Shock Induced Aerobreakup of a Droplet at High Reynolds and Weber Number,” Proceedings of AIAA Aviation 2023, AIAA-2023-4249, San Diego, California and Virtual Event, 12-16 June 2023. doi: 10.2514/6.2023-4249. DOI, PDF

Dworzanczyk, A., Parziale, N. J., Croft, C. J., Wise, D. R., and Libeau, M. A., “High-Speed Imaging of Interaction of Liquid Drops with Hypersonic Projectiles,” Proceedings of AIAA Aviation 2023, AIAA-2023-4248, San Diego, California and Virtual Event, 12-16 June 2023. doi: 10.2514/6.2023-4248. DOI, PDF

Hameed, A., Chen, J. H., Parziale, N. J., Dungan, S. D., Saikia, B., and Brehm, C., “Stability Analysis of Hypervelocity Ballistic-Range Data,” Proceedings of AIAA Aviation 2023, AIAA-2023-3705, San Diego, California and Virtual Event, 12-16 June 2023. doi: 10.2514/6.2023-3705. DOI, PDF

Dworzanczyk, A., Parziale, N. J., Mueschke, N. J., Grosch, D. J., and Bueno, P., “High-Speed Imaging of Droplet Impact on a Hypervelocity Projectile,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2023, AIAA-2023-0464, National Harbor, Maryland and Virtual Event, 23-27 January 2023. doi: 10.2514/6.2023-0464. DOI, PDF

Segall, B. A., Shekhtman, D., Hameed, A. H., Chen, J. H., and Parziale, N. J., “Tagging Velocimetry in the Stevens Shock Tunnel,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2023, AIAA 2023-2337, National Harbor, Maryland and Virtual Event, 23-27 January 2023. doi: 10.2514/6.2023-2337. DOI, PDF

Paquin, L. A., Laurence, S. J., Hameed, A., Parziale, N. J., Yu, W. M., and Austin, J. M., “Characterization of Transitional, High-Enthalpy Boundary Layers on a Slightly-Blunted Cone. Part I: Schlieren Imaging,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2023, AIAA-2023-0289, National Harbor, Maryland and Virtual Event, 23-27 January 2023. doi: 10.2514/6.2023-0289. DOI, PDF

Hameed, A., Parziale, N. J., Paquin, L. A., Laurence, S. J., Yu, W. M., and Austin, J. M., “Characterization of Transitional, High-Enthalpy Boundary Layers on a Blunted Cone. Part II: FLDI and Higher Order Spectral Analysis,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2023, AIAA-2023-0288, National Harbor, Maryland and Virtual Event, 23-27 January 2023. doi: 10.2514/6.2023-0288. DOI, PDF

Dworzanczyk, A., Parziale, N. J., Mueschke, N. J., Grosch, D. J., and Bueno, P., “Material Survivability on Launch of Slender Ballistic Range Projectiles,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2022, AIAA-2022-0772, San Diego, California and Virtual Event, 3-7 January 2022. DOI, PDF

Shekhtman, D., Hameed, A., Segall, B. A., Dworzanczyk, A. R., and Parziale, N. J., “Initial Shakedown Testing of the Stevens Shock Tunnel,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2022, AIAA 2022-1402, San Diego, California and Virtual Event, 3-7, January 2022. DOI, PDF

Jiang, N., Hsu, P. S., Grib, S. W., Slipchenko, M., Roy, S., Shekhtman, D., Parziale, N. J., Smith, M. S., and Spicer, A. J., “Mach 18 Flow Velocimetry with 100-kHz KTV and PLEET in AEDC Tunnel 9,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2022, AIAA-2022-0898, San Diego, California and Virtual Event, 3-7 January 2022. DOI, PDF

Hameed, A., Shekhtman, D., Parziale, N. J., Paquin, L. A., Skinner, S., Laurence, S. J., Yu, W. M., and Austin, J. M., “Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Instability on a Highly Cooled Cone. Part I: Q-FLDI Measurement and Instability Calculations,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2022, AIAA-2022-0734, San Diego, California and Virtual Event, 3-7 January 2022. DOI, PDF

Paquin, L. A., Skinner, S. N., Laurence, S. J., Hameed, A., Shekhtman, D., Parziale, N. J., Yu, W. M., and Austin, J. M., “Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Instability on a Highly Cooled Cone. Part II: Schlieren Analysis of Boundary-Layer Disturbances,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2022, AIAA-2022-0947, San Diego, California and Virtual Event, 3-7 January 2022. DOI, PDF

Dworzanczyk, A. and Parziale, N. J., “High-Speed, Short-Pulse-Duration Light Source for Digital Inline Holographic Imaging of Multiphase Flow Fields,” Proceedings of AIAA Aviation Forum 2021, AIAA-2021-2919, Virtual Event, 2-6 August 2021. DOI, PDF

Hameed, A. and Parziale, N. J., “Focused Laser Differential Interferometry Transfer Functions for Complex Density Disturbance Fields,” Proceedings of AIAA Aviation Forum 2021, AIAA-2021-2907, Virtual Event, 2-6 August 2021. DOI, PDF

Shekhtman, D. and Parziale, N. J., “Input-Output Stability Analysis of a Flat-Plate, High-Speed Flow,” Proceedings of AIAA Aviation Forum 2021, AIAA-2021-2934, Virtual Event, 2-6 August 2021. DOI, PDF

Hameed, A. and Parziale, N. J., “Focused Laser Differential Interferometer Response to a Controlled Phase Object,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2021, AIAA-2021-0602, Virtual Event, 11-15, 19-21 January 2021. DOI, PDF

Hameed, A., Mustafa, M. A., Shekhtman, D., and Parziale, N. J., “Optimization of an Axisymmetric Mach 6 Reflected-Shock Tunnel Nozzle at Flight Enthalpy,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2021, AIAA-2021-0386, Virtual Event, 11-15, 19-21 January 2021. DOI, PDF

Shekhtman, D., Mustafa, M. A., and Parziale, N. J., “Excitation Line Optimization for Krypton Tagging Velocimetry and Planar Laser-Induced Fluorescence in the 200-220 nm Range,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2021, AIAA-2021-1300, Virtual Event, 11-15, 19-21 January 2021. DOI, PDF

Shekhtman, D., Mustafa, M. A., Parziale, N. J., Yu, W. M., and Austin, J. M., “Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV) Investigation in the Caltech T5 Reflected-Shock Tunnel,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2021, AIAA-2021-1302, Virtual Event, 11-15, 19-21 January 2021. DOI, PDF

Gevelber, T., Schmidt, B. E., Mustafa, M. A., Shekhtman, D., and Parziale, N. J., “Wavelet-based Optical Flow Velocimetry (wOFV) Applied to Tagging Velocimetry Data,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2021, AIAA-2021-0121, Virtual Event, 11-15, 19-21 January 2021. DOI, PDF

Hameed, A., Parziale, N. J., Paquin, L., Butler, C., and Laurence, S. J., “Hypersonic Slender-Cone Boundary Layer Instability in the UMD HyperTERP Shock Tunnel,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2020, AIAA-2020-0362, Orlando, Florida, 6-10 January 2020. DOI, PDF

Adhikari, R. and Parziale, N. J., “Model and Sensitivity Analysis of the Reciprocating Biomass Conversion Reactor (RBCR),” Proceedings of the ASME Summer Heat Transfer Conference, ASME-HT2019-3597, Bellevue, Washington, 14-17 July 2019. DOI, PDF

Mustafa, M. A. and Parziale, N. J., “Proper Orthogonal Decomposition of Streamwise-Velocity Fluctuations in a Compression-Corner Shock-Wave/Turbulent Boundary-Layer Interaction,” Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, ISSW-0473, Singapore, 14-19 July 2019, pp. 2613–2637. DOI, PDF

Shekhtman, D., Mustafa, M. A., and Parziale, N. J., “Single-Laser Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV) Investigation of Air and N2 Boundary-Layer Flows Over a Hollow Cylinder in the Stevens Shock Tube,” Proceedings of the 32nd International Symposium on Shock Waves, ISSW-0474, Singapore, 14-19 July 2019, pp. 967–991. DOI, PDF

Mustafa, M. A., Shektman, D., and Parziale, N. J., “Single-Laser Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV) Investigation of Air and N2 Boundary-Layer Flows Over a Hollow Cylinder in the Stevens Shock Tube,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2019, AIAA-2019-1820, San Diego, California, 7-11 January 2019. DOI, PDF

Jewell, J. S., Hameed, A., Parziale, N. J., and Gogineni, S. P., “Disturbance Speed Measurements in a Circular Jet via Double Focused Laser Differential Interferometry,” Proceedings of AIAA Scitech 2019, AIAA-2019-2293, San Diego, California, 7-11 January 2019. DOI, PDF

Danehy, P. M., Weisberger, J., Johansen, C., Reese, D., Fahringer, T., Parziale, N. J., Dedic, C., Estevadeordal, J., and Cruden, B. A., “Non-Intrusive Measurement Techniques for Flow Characterization of Hypersonic Wind Tunnels,” Flow Characterization and Modeling of Hypersonic Wind Tunnels (NATO Science and Technology Organization Lecture Series STO-AVT 325), NF1676L-31725 - Von Karman Institute, Brussels, Belgium, December 3-5 2018. PDF

Mustafa, M. A., Parziale, N. J., Smith, M. S., and Marineau, E. C., “Amplification and Structure of Streamwise-Velocity Fluctuations in Four Shock-Wave/Turbulent Boundary-Layer Interactions,” Proceedings of AIAA Aviation 2018, AIAA-2018-3704, Atlanta, Georgia, 25-29 June 2018. DOI, PDF

Mustafa, M. A., Parziale, N. J., Smith, M. S., and Marineau, E. C., “Two-Dimensional Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV-2D) Investigation of Shock-Wave/Turbulent Boundary-Layer Interaction,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2018, AIAA-2018-1771, Kissimmee, Florida, 8-12 January 2018. DOI, PDF

Mustafa, M. A., , and Parziale, N. J., “Krypton Tagging Velocimetry in the Stevens Shock Tube,” Proceedings of 33rd AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, AIAA-2017-3897, Denver, Colorado, 5-9 June 2017. DOI, PDF

Mustafa, M. A., Hunt, M. B., Parziale, N. J., Smith, M. S., and Marineau, E. C., “Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV) Investigation of Shock-Wave/Turbulent Boundary-Layer Interaction,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2017, AIAA-2017-0025, Grapevine, Texas, 9-13 January 2017. DOI, PDF

Jewell, J. S., Parziale, N. J., Lam, K.-L., Hagen, B. J., and Kimmel, R. L., “Disturbance and Phase Speed Measurements for Shock Tubes and Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Instability,” Proceedings of 32nd AIAA Aerodynamic Measurement Technology and Ground Testing Conference, AIAA-2016-3112, Washington, D. C., 13-17 June 2016. DOI, PDF

Zahradka, D., Parziale, N. J., Smith, M. S., and Marineau, E. C., “Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV) in Supersonic Turbulent Boundary Layers,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2016, AIAA-2016-1587, San Diego, California, 7-11 January 2016. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., “Novel thermo-chemical biomass conversion with the reciprocating biomass conversion reactor (RBCR),” Proceedings of the 250th American Chemical Society National Meeting, ACS-ENFL-77, Boston, Massachusetts, 16-20 August 2015. PDF

Parziale, N. J., Jewell, J. S., Leyva, I. A., and Shepherd, J. E., “Effects of Shock-Tube Cleanliness on Slender-Body Hypersonic Instability and Transition Studies at High-Enthalpy,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2015, AIAA-2015-1786, Kissimmee, Florida, 5-9 January 2015. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., “Model of Fast Pyrolysis of a Small Volume-Fraction of Biomass Within a Gas of Transient Temperature and Pressure,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2015, AIAA-2015-1303, Kissimmee, Florida, 5-9 January 2015. DOI, Corrected PDF

Parziale, N. J., Schmidt, B. E., Damazo, J. S., Wang, P. S., Hornung, H. G., and Shepherd, J. E., “Pulsed Laser Diode for Use as a Light Source for Short-Exposure, High-Frame-Rate Flow Visualization,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2015, AIAA-2015-0530, Kissimmee, Florida, 5-9 January 2015. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., Jewell, J. S., Leyva, I. A., and Shepherd, J. E., “Effects of Shock-Tube Cleanliness on Slender-Body Hypersonic Instability and Transition Studies at High-Enthalpy,” Proceedings of AIAA SciTech 2015, AIAA-2015-1786, Kissimmee, Florida, 5-9 January 2015. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., “Calculation of Input Sensitivities for a Reciprocating Biomass Conversion Reactor (RBCR),” Proceedings of the 3rd International Energy and Sustainability Conference, IEEE, Farmingdale, New York, 24 October 2014. PDF

Rabinovitch, J., Milhaly, J., Parziale, N. J., Mehrotra, P., Cymbalist, N., Burgoyne, H., Qi, J., and Duckworth, H., “The Caltech Space Challenge: Lessons Learned and Future Plans,” Proceedings of the 65th International Astronautical Congress, IAC-14-E1.4.5, Toronto, Canada, September 29-October 3 2014. PDF

Parziale, N. J., “Thermo-chemical biomass conversion by piston compression of surrounding gas,” Proceedings of the 247th American Chemical Society National Meeting, ACS-ENFL-69, Dallas, Texas, 16-20 March 2014. PDF

Parziale, N. J., Shepherd, J. E., and Hornung, H. G., “Geometric Acoustics in High-Speed Boundary Layers,” Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, ISSW-0246-000280, Madison, Wisconsin, 14-19 July 2013, pp. 711–716. PDF

Schmidt, B. E., Bobbit, B., Parziale, N. J., and Shepherd, J. E., “Experiments in a Combustion-Driven Shock Tube with an Area Change,” Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, ISSW-0246-000044, Madison, Wisconsin, 14-19 July 2013, pp. 331–336. PDF

Hornung, H. G. and Parziale, N. J., “Spectral Characteristics of Pitot Noise,” Proceedings of the 29th International Symposium on Shock Waves, ISSW-0246-000301, Madison, Wisconsin, 14-19 July 2013, pp. 409–414. PDF

Shepherd, J. E., Hornung, H. G., Parziale, N. J., and Jewell, J. S., “Second-mode Instability and Transition Experiments at High Enthalpy, Plus Other Interests,” Proceedings of STO ET-136: Hypersonic Boundary-Layer Transition Prediction, NATO, College Station, Texas, 6-7 March 2013.

Parziale, N. J., Shepherd, J. E., and Hornung, H. G., “Differential Interferometric Measurement of Instability at Two Points in a Hypervelocity Boundary Layer,” Proceedings of 51st AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting Including the New Horizons Forum and Aerospace Exposition, AIAA-2013-0521, Grapevine, Texas, 7-10 January 2013. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., Shepherd, J. E., and Hornung, H. G., “Geometric Acoustics in a Hypervelocity Boundary Layer,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hypersonic Stability and Transition, Sedona, Arizona, 2-4 October 2012. PDF

Hornung, H. G. and Parziale, N. J., “Effects of bow shock on the measurement of acoustic signal at the stagnation point in hypersonic flow over a blunt cone,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hypersonic Stability and Transition, Sedona, Arizona, 2-4 October 2012.

Hornung, H. G., Jewell, J. S., Parziale, N. J., Shepherd, J. E., and Valiferdowsi, B., “Recent Research on Transition at the T5 Hypervelocity Shock Tunnel,” Proceedings of the International Workshop on Hypersonic Stability and Transition, Sedona, Arizona, 2-4 October 2012.

Parziale, N. J., Rabinovitch, J., Blanquart, G., Hornung, H. G., and Shepherd, J. E., “A Proposed Vertical Expansion Tunnel,” Proceedings of 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, AIAA-2012-3261, New Orleans, Louisiana, 25-28 June 2012. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., Shepherd, J. E., and Hornung, H. G., “Reflected Shock Tunnel Noise Measurement by Focused Differential Interferometry,” Proceedings of 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, AIAA-2012-3261, New Orleans, Louisiana, 25-28 June 2012. DOI, PDF

Jewell, J. S., Parziale, N. J., Leyva, I. A., Shepherd, J. E., and Hornung, H. G., “Turbulent Spot Observations within a Hypervelocity Boundary Layer on a 5-degree Half-Angle Cone,” Proceedings of 42nd AIAA Fluid Dynamics Conference and Exhibit, AIAA-2012-3062, New Orleans, Louisiana, 25-28 June 2012. DOI, PDF

Parziale, N. J., Jewell, J. S., Shepherd, J. E., and Hornung, H. G., “Optical Detection of Transitional Phenomena on Slender Bodies in Hypervelocity Flow,” Proceedings of RTO Specialists Meeting AVT-200/RSM-030 on Hypersonic Laminar-Turbulent Transition, NATO, San Diego, California, 16-19 April 2012. PDF

Mitrea, A., Parziale, N. J., Jewell, J. S., Hornung, H. G., and Shepherd, J. E., “Time resolved heat-flux measurements on a CEV candidate shape at high enthalpy,” Proceedings of RTO Specialists Meeting AVT-200/RSM-030 on Hypersonic Laminar-Turbulent Transition, NATO, San Diego, California, 16-19 April 2012. PDF

Parziale, N. J., Jewell, J. S., Shepherd, J. E., and Hornung, H. G., “Shock Tunnel Noise Measurement with Resonantly Enhanced Focused Schlieren Deflectometry,” Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, ISSW-2817, Manchester, United Kingdom, 17-22 July 2011, pp. 747–752. DOI, PDF

Jewell, J. S., Leyva, I. A., Parziale, N. J., and Shepherd, J. E., “Effect of Gas Injection on Transition in Hypervelocity Boundary Layers,” Proceedings of the 28th International Symposium on Shock Waves, ISSW-2767, Manchester, UK, 17-22 July 2011, pp. 735–740. DOI, PDF

Jewell, J. S., Leyva, I. A., Parziale, N. J., Hornung, H. G., and Shepherd, J. E., “Transition delay in hypervelocity boundary layers via CO2 injection,” Proceedings of the 63nd Annual Meeting of APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, Vol. 55, BAPS.2010.DFD.QR.6, Long Beach, California, 21-23 November 2010.

J.S. Jewell, I.A. Leyva, N. J. Parziale, H.G. Hornunug, and J. E. Shepherd “Transition delay in hypervelocity boundary layers via CO2 injection” 63nd Annual Meeting of APS Division of Fluid Dynamics, November 21-23, 2010, Bulletin of the American Physical Society, 55(16), Abstract BAPS.2010.DFD.QR.6.

Hornung, H. G. and Parziale, N. J., “Reflected Shock Tunnel Noise Control,” Proceedings of the 15th International Conference on the Methods of Aerophysical Research, Akademgorodok, Novosibirsk Russia, 1-6 November 2010. PDF


Grants and Contracts

"Krypton Tagging Velocimetry for Use in Hypersonic Ground-Test Facilities," Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, 6/2/2014-8/11/2014, 10 Weeks, $18,500, PI.

"Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV)," Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, 5/26/2015-8/4/2015, 10 Weeks, $30,840, PI.

"DURIP: Pulsed Write-Laser and Intensified Camera Systems for Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV) Research (FA9550-15-1-0325)," United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 8/15/2015-8/14/2016, 1 Year, $325,647, PI.

"Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV)," Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, 5/16/2016-7/29/2016, 10 Weeks, $33,750, PI.

"YIP: Instantaneous Velocity Profiles of Wall-Bounded Shear Flows in Thermochemical Non-Equilibrium (FA9550-16-1-0262)," United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 6/1/2016-5/31/2019, 3 Years, $361,819, PI.

"Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (KTV)," Air Force Summer Faculty Fellowship Program, 5/15/2017-7/24/2017, 10 Weeks, $33,750, PI.

"Non-intrusive Measurement of Density and Velocity Perturbations in Supersonic and Hypersonic Wind Tunnels (FA9101-17-P-0094)," Air Force Small Business Innovation Research - Phase I, 6/1/2017-2/28/2018, 9 Months, $46,000 ($150,000 total), Academic PI with Spectral Energies, LLC.

"Net Zero Technologies for the Army's Industrial Munitions Base (P010205636)," United States Army - Combat Capabilities Development Command, 1/23/2018-10/20/2121, 3 Years, 9 Months, $406,023 (7.5%) share of $3,814,163, Co-PI.

"Radiative and Dispersive Behavior of Instabilities in a Highly- Cooled Hypersonic Boundary Layer (FA9550-18-1-0403)," United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 8/1/2018-7/31/2023, 5 Years, $1,486,135, PI.

"Non-intrusive Measurement of Density and Velocity Perturbations in Supersonic and Hypersonic Wind Tunnels (FA2487-19-C-0013)," Air Force Small Business Innovation Research - Phase II, 1/1/2019-12/31/2020, 2 Years, $203,074 ($750,000 total), Academic PI with Spectral Energies, LLC.

"DURIP: Solid State Read Step for Simple, High-Speed Krypton Tagging Velocimetry (FA9550-19-1-0182)," United States Air Force Office of Scientific Research, 4/15/2019-4/14/2020, 1 Year, $86,158, PI.

"DURIP: Indraft Wind Tunnel for High-Speed Aerodynamics Research (N00014-19-1-2523)," Office of Naval Research, 8/15/2019-8/14/2020, 1 Year, $301,575, PI.

"MURI: Particulate and Precipitation Effects on High-speed Flight Vehicles (N00014-20-1-2682)," Office of Naval Research, 5/1/2020-4/30/2025, 5 Years, $1,206,500, PI.

"YIP: Scaling and Structure in Transitional and Turbulent Hypervelocity Flows (N00014-20-1-2549)," Office of Naval Research, 5/4/2020-5/3/2023, 3 Years, $468,593, PI.

"DURIP: Time Resolved, Non-Intrusive Measurements in Unsteady Hypersonic Flows (N00014-20-1-2637)," Office of Naval Research, 6/1/2020-5/31/2020, 1 Year, $755,266, PI.

"Industrial Base Resilience Initiative – Holston Army Ammunition Plant (W91278-16-D-0007)," United States Army - Combat Capabilities Development Command, 6/4/2020-4/8/2023, 3 Years, $740,625 (15%) share of $4,937,500, Co-PI.

"REU/RET Site: Interdisciplinary Research Experience in Sustainable Energy and Bioengineering (2050921)," National Science Foundation, 3/1/2021-2/29/2024, 3 Years, $0 share of $374,971, Co-PI.

"Non-intrusive Measurement of Density and Velocity Perturbations in Supersonic and Hypersonic Wind Tunnels (FA9101-17-P-0094)," National Aeronautics and Space Administration Small Business Innovation Research - Phase I, 7/25/2022-1/25/2023, 6 Months, $9,567 share of $156,482, Co-PI.

"Net Zero and Resilience Applications for the Army’s Industrial Base Facilities (P010285177)," United States Army - Combat Capabilities Development Command, 3/10/2023-2/25/2025, 2 Years, $267,942 (8%) share of $3,349,284, Co-PI.

"Turbulence Quantities in Supersonic and Hypersonic Flows (N00014-23-1-2474)," Office of Naval Research, 5/1/2023-4/30/2027, 4 Years, $952,917, PI.

"DURIP: Novel Measurements in Multiphase and/or Turbulent Flows (N00014-24-1-2202)," Office of Naval Research, 3/1/2024-2/28/2025, 1 Years, $312,784, PI.

Stevens Shock Tunnel

The overall mission of the Stevens Shock Tunnel is to study high-speed boundary-layer physics. This includes boundary-layer instability, transition, shock-wave/boundary-layer interaction, and high-quality measurements of turbulence quantities in supersonic and hypersonic flows for fundamental physical understanding and code validation. The Stevens Shock Tunnel is well characterized at Mach 6 (M6) when run in shock tunnel mode at two conditions, one where the enthalpy is matched, and one with a cold freestream to generate higher Reynolds number. A Mach 3.5 (M3.5) nozzle has been machined and is currently being delivered to Stevens. The M3.5 nozzle will be operated in Ludwieg tube configuration. This will enable higher Reynolds number testing. This enables testing at flight-enthalpy, cooled-wall conditions in addition to conventional cold hypersonic flow. Representative conditions are found in below. The nozzle exit diameter is 16 inches (406 mm) and the test rhombus is approximately 13 inches (330 mm) high by 5 ft (1.5 m) long. At Mach 3.5, the facility will be used as a heated Ludwieg tube with a test time of 60 milliseconds and Reynolds number up to 100e6 1/m.

Above: SST Run Conditions.

Above: SST Schematic.

Above: SST Photo.

Above: SST Photo.

Kryton tagging velocimetry

The Air Force requires non-intrusive velocimetry techniques for use in hypersonic test and evaluation facilities. The non-intrusive velocimetry techniques will be used to study flow fields of interest to the Department of Defense (DoD); examples include: high-speed boundary-layer transition, high-speed turbulent boundary layers, and shock-wave turbulent boundary-layer interaction. These investigations are intended to further the understanding of the fundamental flow physics that influence the behavior of large-scale test articles to aid in the development of high-speed vehicle concepts. Krypton tagging velocimetry (KTV) is well suited for this purpose because of its versatility.

Above: KTV in an underexpanded jet.

Above: KTV in a Mach 3 turbulent boundary layer

Above: KTV in a Mach 3 shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction.

Above: 2D-KTV in a Mach 3 shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction.

Above: Zoom in of 2D-KTV in a Mach 3 shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction near wall.

Shock-Wave/Boundary-Layer Interaction (SWBLI)

Shock-wave/boundary-layer (SWBLI) interaction is a rich fundamental fluid mechanics problem that has heating, drag, and structural implications. One example flow field is the compression-corner which could model the flow path of an air-breathing engine or the deflection of a control surface in high-speed flight. We've been able to use the KTV technique to make non-intrusive measurements of velocity in a Mach 3 shock-wave/turbulent boundary-layer interaction (below). With this effort in the AEDC Mach 3 Tunnel, we were able to measure the mean and fluctuating velocity profiles over several compression-corner angles. From this velocity data, analyzed the shear layer that develops near the root of the compression-corner and, using snapshot Proper Orthogonal Decomposition (POD), we were able to extract the most energetic structures in the SWBLI.

Above: First 20 POD modes in a 24-deg compression corner SWBLI.

Novel technical approaches to thermo-chemical biomass conversion

Thermo-chemical biomass conversion by fast-pyrolysis to bio-oil, bio-char, and non-condensable gases is a part of an attractive path to an alternative energy source because of the upgrade in density and heating value. Reducing the cost of this process and increasing the quality of the bio-products are of interest. Current efforts are focused on working towards these goals.

Fundamental interests in biomass conversion

Working towards characterizing phenomena at the gas/surface interface of biomass during fast pyrolysis is of interest. This is motivated by our need to further understand the heat and mass transfer processes. These efforts are intended to supplement the aforementioned technical efforts in terms of predictive science.

Novel approach to generation of hypervelocity flows

The expansion tube and tunnel (ET) have been developed as hypersonic ground-test facilities for approximately half a century. The appeal of an ET is the higher maximum reservoir mass specific enthalpy and reservoir pressure than in a reflected shock tunnel (RST). The expanded parameter space in an ET is due to the unsteady manner in which the test gas is processed. Successful operation of an expansion tube or tunnel is often hampered by excessive perturbations in the test gas; efforts to reduce these perturbations are critical. Significant improvement of the flow quality is possible with the vertical expansion tube (VET) relative to the conventional (horizontal) expansion tunnel (ET). The adverse effects from secondary diaphragm rupture in an expansion tunnel may be reduced or eliminated by orienting the tunnel vertically, matching the test gas pressure and the accelerator gas pressure, and initially separating the test gas from the accelerator gas by density stratification. Two benefits are: 1) the removal of the diaphragm particulates in the test gas after its rupture and 2) the elimination of the wave system that is a result of a real secondary diaphragm having a finite mass and thickness.

Focused laser differential interferometry

Advances in diagnostic development and electronics have allowed researchers to advance the state of the art in laminar-turbulent transition work. Only recently have there been measurements of the instability on a slender body within a hypersonic boundary layer in a thermo-chemically active environment. This was done with focused laser differential interferometry (FLDI), which is a non-intrusive optical technique that probes density fluctuation. The newfound tool have been used to characterize the noise environment in the large-scale shock tunnel T5. Preliminary work suggests that hypersonic instability phase speed measurement may also be possible with FLDI.

Teaching and Mentoring


ME 354 - Heat Transfer: Basic modes of heat transfer, steady heat conduction, extended surface heat transfer, transient heat conduction, computational methods, forced and free convection, boiling and condensation, thermal radiation, heat exchangers. Design projects.
ME 545 - Introduction to Aerospace Engineering: This course lays the foundations in aerospace engineering. Topics include the history of aviation, basic aerodynamics, airfoils, wings and other aerodynamic shapes, aircraft performance, stability and control, aircraft structures (structural analysis and materials), propulsion, flight test, rockets, space flight, and orbits.
ME 679 - Mechanics of Compressible Fluids: This course is an introduction to viscous and inviscid compressible fluid mechanics. Topics inlude perfect-gas, equilibrium, and non-equilibrium gas dynamics in addition to steady and unsteady boundary layers.

2024-2025 Senior Design

Stevens Shock Tunnel: • Hypersonic boundary-layer measurement by Pitot rake

2023-2024 Senior Design

Plume-Surface Interaction: Underexpanded jet assembly for plume-surface interaction.
Multiphase Flow: Ultrasonic levitator for multiphase flow diagnostics

2022-2023 Senior Design

Plume-Surface Interaction: Underexpanded jet assembly for plume-surface interaction.
Stevens Shock Tunnel: Shock tunnel reservoir sound-speed measurement: measure sound speed and temperature in the reservoir of a reflected-shock tunnel

2021-2022 Senior Design

Droplet Generator: Enable the study of droplet breakup studies.
Stevens Shock Tunnel: Heater for the driver section of the Stevens Shock Tunnel.
Stevens Shock Tunnel: Underexpanded jet assembly for plume-surface interaction.

2020-2021 Senior Design

Stevens Shock Tunnel: Controller for the Stevens Shock Tunnel.

2019-2020 Senior Design

Stevens Shock Tunnel: Driver Section for the Stevens Shock Tunnel.

2018-2019 Senior Design

Suez Dundee Dam: Revitalization of the Dundee Dam.
NASA JPL Martian Glider: Gliding entry of a Martian lander.

2017-2018 Senior Design

Low Speed High Temperature Wind Tunnel: Enable the study of reacting flows in the Parziale lab.
Air Conditioning Waste Heat Capture: Utilize the waste heat from air conditioners to pre-heat hot water for use in apartment buildings.

2016-2017 Senior Design

Low Speed High Temperature Wind Tunnel: Enable the study of reacting flows in the Parziale lab.
Air Conditioning Waste Heat Capture: Utilize the waste heat from air conditioners to pre-heat hot water for use in apartment buildings.
Redesign of Howe Center for sustainability: Student led conceptual building redesign.

2015-2016 Senior Design

Stevens Institute of Technology Shocktube: Enable the study of high-speed/reacting flows in the Parziale lab.
Air Conditioning Waste Heat Capture: Utilize the waste heat from air conditioners to pre-heat hot water for use in apartment buildings.
Solar Decathalon: DOE student challenge to "design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and attractive."

2014-2015 Senior Design

Little Juliana: Design and construct a replica of Colonel John Stevens' Little Juliana Steamboat.
Air Conditioning Waste Heat Capture: Utilize the waste heat from air conditioners to pre-heat hot water for use in apartment buildings.
Solar Decathalon: DOE student challenge to "design, build, and operate solar-powered houses that are cost-effective, energy-efficient, and attractive."

2013-2014 Senior Design

Anaerobic Digester: Convert dining hall food waste to compost and bio-gas.
Air Conditioning Waste Heat Capture: Utilize the waste heat from air conditioners to pre-heat hot water for use in apartment buildings.
Micro-Nuclear Reactor: Conceptual design of a small scale gas-cooled fast reactor to power Hoboken.
Body Heat Control: Actively cool the human body for temperature control in extreme environments.

RockSat-C Sounding Rocket Program

High-speed surface pressure measurement on the skin of a Terrier-Orion Sounding Rocket.

Prospective Students

Thank you for your interest in my research group and in Stevens. I receive a number of inquiries regarding the availability of research positions in my group, and unfortunately cannot always respond to these requests. However, I would like to post some comments on frequently asked questions regarding my group and research opportunities at Stevens.

Many graduate students (and faculty!) also greatly enjoy the location of the Stevens campus, which is situated in beautiful and vibrant Hoboken, New Jersey, 10 minutes from downtown New York City and easily accessible by all manner of public transportation.

Q: I am interested in working in your group; do you have research assistantships available?

A: I am always looking to add highly qualified, motivated, and hard-working students to my group! It would be premature to discuss possible financial support that may be available until a prospective student has applied and accepted by the Stevens Graduate School. In your Personal Statement, I strongly recommend indicating why you are interested in attending Stevens and why you are interested in working with my group. This will ensure that after your application has been reviewed and accepted by the Graduate Program Committee at Stevens that it will be forwarded to me.

Please note that Stevens has several additional mechanisms available to support US citizens and Permanent Residents interested in pursuing graduate studies at Stevens. Please contact me directly for more information regarding these programs.

Q: What are the requirements and test scores (TOEFL, GRE) that are required to apply to Stevens?

A: While Stevens does not have minimum GRE or TOEFL test scores needed to apply, your scores on these tests factor into decisions which are made regarding admission and financial support for graduate students (other factors include prior education, prior research experience, publication history, etc). The higher your scores, the more attractive your application will be to the Graduate Program Committee.

Q: I am interested in a post-doctoral position with your group. How can I apply for such a position?

A: I would recommend that you email me a complete CV (including a list of at least three references) and two representative publications which highlight your research work to date. I would also recommend a Personal Statement indicating why you are interested in my group, how you feel you will be able to contribute to my research group, and how a post-doctoral position with my group fits into your larger career goals. Be sure to comment on any previous experience you may have in writing research proposals. If you are an international scholar, it would also be beneficial to know of your availability to work in the US and when you would be available to start.

Q: I am interested in pursuing a Masters degree in Mechanical Engineering at Stevens. Are Research Assistantships or Teaching Assistants available for Masters students?

A: As a general rule of thumb, PhD students are more likely to be supported on RA or TA positions. However, outstanding Masters students with strong research experience will be considered for such support. In such cases, Masters students must pursue a 6 credit thesis option for the Masters degree. In the past such students typically work towards completing a PhD in a related topic/field at Stevens upon completion of the requirements for their Masters degree.

Q: How can I learn more about your research?

A: A general overview of the research activities of our group can be found on this page. In particular, I make a concerted effort to update the Publications section specifically so that potential graduate students can see our latest work. If you are interested in a research position with my group, a good first step is to be able to convince me that you have researched at least some of the publications of my group.

Q: Do you accept part-time PhD students to work with your group?

A: Due to its proximity to a large number of military, government, and industrial R&D centers, Stevens has a rather large number of students who pursue their PhD degree part-time while working full-time. Successful part-time PhD students are often able to define a PhD project related to the students technical work responsibilities while also of interest to the faculty advisor. Several mechanisms at Stevens support part-time PhD studies (for example, the overwhelming majority of graduate courses are offered in the evenings, and some graduate courses are offered on-line, through a short-course format, or off-site). If you have confirmed that your employer would support you participating in such a program, please contact me directly for further discussion.

Q: I've been accepted to several PhD programs in Mechanical Engineering in the US. Why would you suggest that I enroll at Stevens?

A: First, congratulations on your fine achievement! I believe that you will find that the strengths of the PhD program at Stevens include having access to state of the art facilities and cutting-edge research opportunities in a vibrant small-school setting where many faculty (including myself) take great pride in offering personalized mentoring and advising to our graduate students. Further, I strongly believe that PhD students at Stevens in general, and my graduate students in particular, greatly benefit from close interactions and collaborations with students and faculty from other research groups both inside and outside the Mechanical Engineering Department.


Nick Parziale, PhD
Mechanical Engineering - EAS322
Castle Point on Hudson
Hoboken, New Jersey, 07030, USA
Phone: +1 201 216 5567