Course Syllabus

EE674: Satellite Communications





Satellite Communication Systems, Second edition

By M. Richharia

McGraw-Hill, 1999

ISBN: 0071342087


Other Recommended Readings:



Homework 25%

Project 20%

Midterm (open book) 25%

Final (open book) 30%

About late HW: For late HW submission, you get 75% of HW grade.


Course Description:


Satellite communications systems have been developed for applications ranging from DOMSAT (domestic satellite), INTELSAT (international satellite) to VSAT (very small aperture terminal). Recent development in LEO (low-earth orbit) systems, such as Iridium and Globalstar, opens the door for personal communications through satellite systems. This course consists of three parts. The first part addresses the satellite systems covering the topics of orbits and constellations, satellite space segment, and propagation and satellite links. The second part reviews satellite communications techniques including modulation, coding, multiple access and on-board processing. The third part presents various satellite communications systems and applications with emphasis on recent development in LEO satellite systems for personal communications.


Course Objectives:

Topical Outline: 


1. Introduction


1.1 History of satellite communications

1.2 Overview of the course


2. Satellite Systems


2.1 Orbits and constellations: GEO, MEO and LEO

2.2 Satellite space segment

2.3 Propagation and satellite links


2.3.1 Free-space loss

2.3.2 Attenuation, polarization, fading and scintillation

2.3.3 Link budget analysis


3. Satellite Communications Techniques


3.1 Modulation and coding techniques


3.1.1 Digital modulation schemes

3.1.2 FEC and ARQ


3.2 Multiple Access


3.2.1 FDMA, TDMA and CDMA

3.2.2 Aloha

3.2.3 Demand assignment


3.3 On-board processing techniques


4. Satellite Communications Systems and Applications


4.1 INTELSAT systems

4.2 VSAT networks

4.3 GPS

4.4 GEO, MEO and LEO mobile communications


4.4.1 INMARSAT systems

4.4.2 Iridium

4.4.3 Globalstar

4.4.4 Odyssey


4.5 Broadband and Multimedia Systems


4.5.1 Spaceway

4.5.2 Teledesic