Do your
best with Alto clef on this assignment. Remember, the bracket joins at
middle C on the piano. If the reading becomes very problematic we will
discuss and work on it in class. I will show you guys how to speed read
music. The homwork will be graded but the grade will not count towards
your final grade unless you do not complete the assignment at all.
Also, dont worry about the questions regarding Harmonics. We will
discuss this in class. It gets a little crazy.
1. Detache
Separate bows
change direction for each note The term détaché simply means
"separated" and it can be applied to any notes not linked by a slur.
In a single
bow, without breaks... successive notes in performance, connected
without any intervening silence of articulation. Notated by a slur over
all notes to be performed in a single bow.
a. phrase marks
b. heavy at frog, lighter at tip
c. limit on number of slurred notes
d. Bass and Celli bows shorter
This single bow stroke, separates slurred notes slightly to articulate
them, without stopping the bow
(Adler Movie: Loure.mp4
Adler Audio: 1-16)
a. show marking
3. Staccato
Staccato notes are sounded in a detached and distinctly separate
manner, with silence making up the latter part of the time allocated to
each note. They are usually notated by a dot above or below the head of
the note
(Philharmonia Movie: staccato Alder Audio 1-17)
a. show marking
4.. Slurred Staccato
Repeated staccato notes in a single bow stroke. (Adler Movie: Slurred
a. marking is a set of dots (staccatos) under a slur
5. Martele/Marcato
Common Martele
Common Marcato
of the most misinterpreted markings, the Martele and Marcato both
imply strong accents. A quick search on the internet will reveal
differing and often contradicting information about these two.
The orchestrator/composer is advised to mark the passage with text
"Martele" in addition to the graphic symbol. Marcato is a general term that can be applied to any instrument.
It indicates that a note is to be played louder or more forcefully than
surrounding music. It implies an accent of greater force.
Martele is a term used to define a string instrument bow stroke.
It is a type of Marcato that is specific to strings. The martele
literally means "hammered" and starts with a bold heavier attack, rapidly dying away with a gap before the
next note. Marcato is a stroke where the bow does not leave the string
in between notes and therefore is classified as a staccato bowing (Adler Movie: martele) (Alder Audio 1-22)
a. Heavier strike. "Hammered"
b. Often marked with "wedge", "hat" & accent
a. Lifting of bow off the string. The player is aware
of the lift and alternates the direction of the bow on eachstroke
Spiccato (conscious)
2. Spiccato- Spontaneous = "Saltando"(Adler Movie: Spontaneous
Spiccaato)(Alder Audio 1-24)
a. Is a fast spiccato where The bow lifts as a
spontaneous reaction to the speed.
3. Spiccato- Slurred(Adler
Movie: Slurred Spiccaato) (Alder Audio 1-25)
a. Lifting of bow off the string and in one direction
4. Jete- "Ricochet"(Adler
Movie: Jete)
(Philharmonia Movie Jete)(Alder Audio 1-27)
a. a fast slurred spiccato in which the player Throws the bow for a ricochet on the strings. A controlled
bouncing on the string
Jete or Ricochet
5. Arpeggiando-(Adler
Movie: Arpeggiando)(Alder
Audio 1-28)
La Mer Mvt III Rehearsal 49. Approx 02:15
a. the player is asked to bounce the bow on all the strings, one after
another so as to produce a broken chord, by nature of crossing strings.
a. a rapid alteration between two pitches either a tone (major trill)
or a semitone (minor trill) apart M2, m2, notation
2. Bowed Tremolo
Movie: Bowed Tremolo)Berlioz Symphonie
Fantastique II A Ball
a. a rapidly repeating single pitch created by moving the bow back and
forth in very short strokes extremely rapidly, not in measured rhythm,
- notation 3 lines across the stem of the note
3. Fingered Tremolo
- (Adler
Movie: Fingered Tremolo)(Alder Audio 1-31)Berlioz
Symphonie Fantastique II A Ball
a. Fingered tremolo resembles a trill, but with a larger interval
between the fingers.
4. Measured Tremolo
a. Just a short hand notation for rapidly executed notes in time. A
measured tremolo subdivides the beat accurately according to the number
of bars through the note stem.
5. Undulating Tremolo
Movie: Undulating Tremolo)
Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique II A Ball
a. Similar to a fingered tremolo, the
undulating tremolo is a fast
alternation between two notes greater than a 2nd (trill) However in an
undulating tremolo, the player creates the undulation by crossing or
playing two different strings very rapidly. Unless one wishes a
very specific string designation, the player may decideto execute an
undulating or fingered tremolo.
6. Sul Tasto
- (Adler
Movie: Sul
Tasto)Philharmonia Movie Sul Audio 1-34) La Mer Mvt III Rehearsal 44.
Approx 00:40
Use Text Marking "Sul Tasto"
a. On the fingerboard. Hazey an indication to bow (or sometimes to
pluck) over the fingerboard; the opposite of sul ponticelloNote diff.
between solo and ensemb.
Sul Tasto
7. Flautando
Use Text Marking "Flautando"
a. Literally means "Flute-ing" or "Flutey" This type of bowing
produces a light and airy sound and is produced by moving slightly sul
tasto and bowing very rapidly so that the string does not have a chance
to vibrate to full fruition. Although the bow is moving fast, it does
not necessarily have to be loud. Can be combined with other bowed
NOTE: Flautando must be written. To return to normal use "Ord" or "Normale"
8. Sul Pont.
- (Adler
Movie: Sul Ponticello) Philharmonia Movie Sul Pont La Mer Mvt III Rehearsal 45.
Approx 01.00
Use Text Marking "Sul Pont."
a. Literally means "On the Bridge". HOWEVER: Sul Ponticello is played
close to the bridge but not literally on it. If you want the player to
play on the bridge you should not use Sul Pont. Errie, glassy-soft,
brazen-loud as you get closer to the bridge. Note diff. btwn solo and
Sul Ponticello
9. Col Legno.
Audio 1-36-37) Philharmonia Movie
a. Thickness of string important.
b. Not as much time needed as you might think to set up.
2. LH Pizz
- (Philharmonia
Movie LH Pizz)
a. most successful on open string while RH is bowing
3. Snap (Bartok) & Fingernail Pizz
(Adler Movie: snap pizz)(Adler
Audio 1-40)
a. Show marking.
4. Pizz Chords
Movie Pizz Chords) (Adler Audio 1-41)
a. Most often are strummed like a guitar although simple chords can be
played as a single simultaneous execution. Use the "pizz" designation
with an arrow on the chord to show the direction of the strum.
b. Same guidelines as multi stops but not as broken on trip and quads
Note: Must state "Arco" when returning to
1. Mutes (Con Sordino)
Movie: Mutes) (Adler Audio: 1-44)
a. There are two types of mute: the wooden mute, which is placed on the
bridge, and the sliding plastic mute, which is permanently attached to
the strings. Be sure to allow sufficient time for the player tp put on
or take off a mute!
b. The sliding mute is most common and goes on/off quickly
Note: must state "Senza Sord." when
1. Scordatura = alternate tuning of
strings(Alder Audio 1-46)
a. must give to player before performance
b. "cheap fiddle" sound
c. Problem retuning quickly with ensemble
La Mer Mvt III 5 bars after
54. Approx 4:00 Scheherazade Mvt II Vivace Scherzando
a. Harmonics represent the other pitches or "overtones" present in
every note. Overtones give color
b. To be safe, dont go beyond 5th partial.
c. Must specify string on which harmonic is played (ie Sul G or IV on
d. Most common notation is a little circle above the SOUNDING pitch.
Harmonic Series or "Partial"
Node Placement from Nut or Bridge
1st "fundamental"
Open string
1/2 way
1/3 way
8va + p5
1/4 way
1/5 way
15ma + M3
Violin Natural Harmonics through 6th partial
Note: Whereas it is perfectly acceptable to
be very specific about which partial is to be played via a specific
string, and whereas any of the methods of notation presented in Adler
are fine, it is common practice that the orchestrator or composer
simply write the desired pitch with the "o" denoting that the pitch is
to be produced via a harmonic. The decision how that harmonic will be
produced is then left to the principal of each section.
Flutey, Silvery Sound" (Adler Movie: Artificial
Harmonics) Philharmonia Movie (Adler Audio 1-48,49,50) a. Produced by "Touch 4th" or stopping the
desired pitch with the first finger and lightly touching the string a
P4th above with the fourth finger.
b. Always produces a sound 15ma
c. Avoid on Contrabass
d. Notate as normal stopped pitch with diamond "touched 4th" above :
Show notation
e. Range limit is about P5 above the top string (sounding 15ma + P5
higher than top string)
f. Avoid using the little "o" above sounding pitch to denote an
artifical harmonic. Other methods of producing artifical harmonics are
available and it can be confused with natural harmonics.
4. Combinations of Techniques a. Think about what the play is
physically doing
b. Gliss + Pizz, Gliss + Sul Tasto, Gliss + Sul Pont., Pizz behind
bridge, Gliss + harmonics etc....