Homework: Workbook Chapter 25
prelminaries 1 and 2
applied chords 1,2, and 3
longer assignments 1
study and analysis 1
Homework: Textbook Chapter 25
all exercises
In Theory II we saw the use of a pivot
chord to prepare an applied dominant. We saw how the forces of the
leading tone within a chord lead the ear to a new tonal center (tonic)
even if only briefly. The type of voice leading we called tonicization (for
a brief moment) or modulation (for a more large scale shift in the
tonal center). We will now see that a leading tone chord need not only
be applied to the Dominant within the key . As well, since we have seen
the close parallel between the V7 (inv) and the Viiº7(inv) and Viiø7
(inv) we will see that we may use any of these chords to lead to new
tonal centers.
Applied Chords
1. New Usages
a. Review Chapter 14 sections 3 &4
b. Applied Chords (from Chapter 14) V (inv), V7 (inv), Vii6
c. Applied Chords (with dominant functions) VII (inv), Viiº (inv in M or m), Viiø (inv in M only)
Note: It is very important to understand the function of the applied
chord in relation to that which it is applied. To be sure we can see
the use of an applied chord to create a cadential effect in some other
key area. However, just as we have seen such useages as V6 as a LN
chord to I5 , Vii6 as a passing chord between I6 and I5 and soforth, It
is equally common to see the applied chord act in similar ways. In such
cases, the voice leading functions exactly the same in the tonicized
key area as it would in the original key.
