WEB Workshops in Mathematics and Science
Department of Mathematical Sciences
Stevens Institute of Technology
Hoboken, New Jersey 07030
Dr. Lawrence Levine, Director
Please submit completed form no later than May 22, 1998.
Dr. Levine must receive a check or purchase order for $150 payable to Stevens no later than May 22.
WEB Workshops
Electronic Application

1. Name: 
1a. E-mail: 

2. Home address:
2a. Home telephone: 

3. School Name: 
3a. School Address:
3b. School telephone: 

4. Indicate below if you are a mathematics teacher or a science teacher.
If you are a science teacher, list the subjects you teach.
5. Education (Degree, major, institutions and dates - listed in chronological order)
6. List your professional experience relevant to these Workshops
(e.g. Mathematics teacher, Some High School, Somewhere 1997-1998)
7. List the courses in mathematics and/or science which you have taught during the
last three years (name of each course and date taught).

8. Describe your knowledge and use of computers both professionally and personally.
Be sure to indicate your level of expertise. Indicate if you use E-mail, the WEB,
multimedia, etc. If you do not use computers presently, then state this.
9. Describe the activities in which you will be involved during the academic year
1998-99 that would make participation in a WEB Workshops of special
value to you.

10. A letter of recommendation from my department chair or subject
supervisor attesting to the anticipated usefulness of my participation in a
WEB Workshop will be sent prior to May 22, 1998 by (Name):
11. A letter indicating that my school will give me up to two days of release time for follow-up
sessions and support my use of the WEB as an educational tool by providing the necessary
computing environment will be sent prior to May 22, 1998 by:

12. Add any additional comments or information which will aid in evaluating your application.
13. After participation in the workshop you will be expected to share the knowledge and skills you have gained with another teacher in your school who will also use the WEB for educational purposes. (This teacher will be expected to attend the two follow-up sessions during the fall and spring.) Please give the name, home address, and telephone number of this colleague and have a letter from him/her attesting his/her willingness to participate sent to Dr. Levine prior to May 22, 1998.

If you have any question, just ask Dr. Lawrence E. Levine.