Some of the SNB files below are rap files. For some reason they do not open automatically in the Scientific Viewer when you click on them when using Firefox as a browser. Instead, right click on the SNB file, save it to your machine, and then open it using the Scientific viewer.
Multiple Integration (SNB File) Multiple Integration (PDF File)
Directional Derivative and Gradient (SNB File) Directional Derivative and Gradient (PDF File)
Line Integrals (SNB File) Line Integrals (PDF File)
Surface Integrals (SNB File) Surface Integrals (PDF File)
Introduction to Matrices I (SNB File) Introduction to Matrices I (PDF File)
Introduction to Matrices II (SNB File) Introduction to Matrices II (PDF File)
Eigenvalues (SNB File) Eigenvalues (PDF File)
Systems of DEs (SNB File) Systems of DEs (PDF File)