Lecturers: Professors Peter Brady and L. E. Levine
Professor P. Brady - Lecturer for Ma 227 B Office: Kidde 111 Office hours: 1:30 to 3:00 on Mondays and Wednesdays and also by appointment
Phone: (201) 216-8379
Email: pbrady@stevens.edu
Professor L. E. Levine - Lecturer for Ma 227 A
Office: Kidde 111 Office hours: 10:30 to 11:00 am and noon to 1:00 pm on Mondays and Wednesdays and also by appointment
Phone: (201) 216- 8379
Email: llevine@stevens.edu
Contact information for teaching assistants and graders:
Please note that all TAs and graders will hold their office hours in Kidde 105, the Math TA Office. The office telephone number is 201-216-5431.
Mr. Dragos Bozdog : (TA for RD, RE & RF) Email: Dragos.Bozdog@stevens.edu Office hours: Thursdays 1 - 3 PM
Mr. Yidi Zhang : (TA for RA, RB & RC) Email: Yi.Zhang@stevens.edu Office hours: Thursdays 1 - 3 PM
Mr. John Robert Dillon (Grader for homework for RE & RF) Email: jdillon@stevens.edu Office hour:
Mr. Robin S. Azzam (Grader for homework for RC & RD) razzam@stevens.edu Office hour:
Mr. Vincent Allegro (Grader for homework for RA) vinnieallegro@msn.com Office hour: Tuesdays 12:30 - 1:30 PM
Mr. Christopher S. Francis (Grader for homework for RB) cfranci1@stevens.edu Office hour:
Mr. Joshua David Skole jskole@stevens.edu (Ma 227 record keeper)
Updated 9/2/09
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