SaTC: CORE: Small: Toward Usable and Ubiquitous Trust Initialization and Secure Networking in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks

Principle Investigator: Dr. Shucheng Yu

Safeguarding IoT devices from cyber attacks has become a pressing challenge. This is not only because the devices deployed in a network can be heterogeneous in terms of available computing resources and interfaces, but for ordinary users typically have limited technical expertise to perform complicated security configurations. What's more, trust among the devices is often lacking because of the different vendors or distribution channels they have traversed. This project addresses these challenges and proposes a suite of lightweight protocols for initial trust establishment and secure networking of wireless devices. Intrinsic properties of wireless channels, which are available to most wireless devices, are utilized to minimize the dependence on user engagement, prior secrets or any hardware not commonly seen in most smart devices. Specifically, three research thrusts are proposed to achieve the project's objectives, which take into consideration devices with limited cryptographic capabilities and those with no cryptography at all. The first task aims at minimizing user involvement in the trust initialization process without assuming any extra resources, which is achieved with an obfuscated device fingerprinting and message authentication protocol. The second task puts forward a mobility-aided authenticated secret key extraction technique without any explicit user involvement. The third task explores key-free wireless security utilizing friendly jamming; a geometry-based computational model is proposed for optimizing the network deployment.

Understanding Wireless Channels To boostrap security and protect wireless devices with limited or no cryptographic capabilities, one approach is to utilize the intrinsic properties and/or randomnesses of wireless channels or hardware fingerprints as the source of security. In the literature, a rich set of wireless characteristics have been used including multipath signatures, hardware fingerprints and other contextual information. To extract these characteristics with minimal user engagement, one way is to analyze the channel state information (CSI) which is measurable at the receiver during wireless communications. Previous research has discovered that the CSI measurements at the receiver are usually mixed with the following errors. Specifically, we can formulate the channel response as follows: $$\hat{H}_{t,k,s} =\hat{H}_{t,k,s} e^{-j \phi_{t,k,s}}$$ where $$\phi_{t,k,s} =\underbrace{\psi_{t,k,s}}_\text{ToF}+\underbrace{\alpha_{t,k}}_\text{STO}+\underbrace{\gamma_{t,k}}_\text{SFO}+\underbrace{\beta_t}_\text{CFO}+\underbrace{\zeta_s }_\text{CPO}+\underbrace{\epsilon}_\text{AWGN}$$ In addition to the attenuation of signal power, a rich set of information is embedded in the errors with phase shifts measurable in CSI. To be more precise, the phase shift can be caused by the propagation of RF signal in the air (i.e. Time of Flight (ToF)), the disparity of sampling frequency between TX/RX (i.e., the Sampling Frequency Offset (SFO)), the small shift in time-synchronization between sender and receiver which causes Symbol Time Offset (STO), the TX-RX carrier frequency offset (CFO), and the mismatch between TX and RX in initial carrier phase which is termed as carrier phase offset (CPO), in addition the Gaussian noise. In this project, we conducted an extensive survey [1] on the types of wireless characteristics which are considered as errors in other research such as wireless localization but can be potentially utilized as sources for fingerprinting in wireless security (e.g., for authentication and secret key extraction).

Figure 1. Illurstration of basic components of wireless transmitter and receiver, and their associated channel characteristics [2]

Device Fingerprinting with Hardware Errors Measurable in CSI Device identification is a critical initial step for security bootstrapping of wireless devices which do not hold prior trust. Without using cryptographic credentials, we resort to unique hardware characteristics for device fingerprinting. Along this direction, previous research has considered sources such as IQ offset and SYNC correlation [2], imperfections of Digital-to-analog converter (DAC) and the power amplifiers (PA) [3]. This line of work usually require a custom hardware (e.g., VNA, USRP) to measure the hardware characteristics. Athough effective, this approach exhibit low usability in real-world deployment considering limited resources or expertise available at users. Toward measure the hardware characteristics wirelessly without the help of custom hardware, a recent research [4] considered unique carrier phase offsets (CPO) of TX devices as the source for fingerprinting. The idea of [4] is based on the linearity of measured CPO versus time. To extract the CPO, it assumes static channel during measurements which usually last for miniutes. While this approach is shown effective in static scenarios, it is vulnerable to environment changes and cannot support mobile devices. In this project, we turns to utilize mismatch of the random initial phase offsets between TX/RX, which is primarily contributed by CPO, as the source for device fingerprinting. One benefit of using CPO is that it is not time or frequent variant. Therefore, it serves as a more reliable but unique characteristics (each hardware has its own radom initial phase offsets) which can be measured under devices mobility or environmental changes. To evaluate our approach, we conducted extensive experiments [5] in indoor environments which subject to rich multipath effects.

Figure 2. Experiment environments

During the experiments, we tested 17 Intel 5300 NIC cards (9 full mini-PCIe cards and 8 half mini-PCIe cards). For each card, we transmitted 100,000 packets and used spatial multiplexing (injection code of 0x1c911) to extract the relative phase between the TX antennas. Mean, variance, skewness, kurtosis of measurements of each antenna are used to build a neural network model and make predictions. We used 85,000 samples for training a model and 15,000 for prediction. The raw measurements can be visualized in Figure 3 (left). When transmitter and receiver are not moving, we obtain accuracy of 93-97 % while distinguishing among 17 MIMO transceivers in different indoor settings.

Figure 3. left: visualisation of the raw wireless data. Each color represents a different Intel NIC card and each axes represents the residue phase of each RX antenna. right: wireless indoor experiment result: Accuracy vs Epochs (distance between RX-TX is 8 m)

Next Steps Based on the initial results of device fingerprinting, this project will continue to investigate secure device authentication using comprehensive information including device fingerprints and contextual information introduced by devices dynamics (e.g., mobility) and research on optimal strategies for secure wireless communication protection using friendly jamming.

[1] L. N. Kandel and S. Yu, “Indoor Localization Using Commodity Wi-Fi APs: Techniques and Challenges”, IEEE ICNC 2019, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, February 18-21, 2019.
[2] V. Brik, S. Banerjee, M. Gruteser, and S. Oh, “Wireless device identification with radiometric signatures,” in Proceedings of the 14th ACM international conference on Mobile computing and networking. ACM, 2008, pp. 116–127.
[3] A. C. Polak, S. Dolatshahi, and D. L. Goeckel, “Identifying wireless users via transmitter imperfections,” IEEE Journal on selected areas in communications, vol. 29, no. 7, pp. 1469–1479, 2011.
[4] J. Hua, H. Sun, Z. Shen, Z. Qian, and S. Zhong, “Accurate and efficient wireless device fingerprinting using channel state information,” in IEEE INFOCOM 2018-IEEE Conference on Computer Communications. IEEE, 2018, pp. 1700–1708.
[5] L. N. Kandel, Z. Zhang, S. Yu, "Exploiting CSI-MIMO for Accurate and Efficient Device Indentification", under submission. June, 2019