Shucheng Yu
Associate Professor
Electrical and Computer Engineering
Stevens Institute of Technology
E-mail: Shucheng.Yu AT stevens DOT edu
Phone:+1 201-216-8057
Office: Burchard 412
Short Biography

I am an associate professor of Electrical & Computer Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology. Before I joined Stevens in 2017, I had been an associate professor in Computer Science at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, where I also served as the interim chair of the CS department and the director of the Computational Research Center of the university. I received my PhD from Worcester Polytechnic Institute in 2010. I am currently leading the Information Assurance Research (IAR) Laboratory. My research interests include big data security and privacy, security in emerging smart systems, wireless networking and security, and applied cryptography.

Check Google Scholar for my citations and h-index!


I am always looking for self-motivated Ph.D. students to join my research group. Candidates with solid mathematical, analytical, or system implementation background in related areas are encouraged to apply. You can send me your CV, transcripts, TOEFL and GRE scores via email, or simply stop by my office at Burchard 412.

Visiting scholars and students with shared research interests are also welcome to contact me.

News Update
  • [Aug.2018]CFP: 1st International Workshop on Distributed Ledger of Things (DLoT), in conjunction with MobiQuitous 2018. Deadline: August 20, 2018
  • [Aug.2017]NSF awarded our research on light-weight trust initialization for wireless networks!
  • [Aug.2017]The IAR laboratory has moved to Stevens Institute of Technology.
  • [Aug.2016]Our undergraduate research project "Investigating and Securing Communications in the Controller Area Network (CAN)" got reported by media. [THV11, ACM TechNews,, Science Daily, PHYS.ORG, Indian Express, Indian Times, Economic Times, Drive Spark, Bufflo Breeze, Forensic Magzine, UALR]
  • [Apr.2016]Dr. Yu was named the 2016 winner of the Faculty Excellence in Research award of the University of Arkansas at Little Rock! [University News ]
  • [Feb.2016]Dr. Yu received the Faculty Excellence in Research award of the George W. Donaghey College of Engineering and Information Technology at UALR! [College News ]
  • [Feb.2016]Dr.Yu's Infocom'10 paper on data access control in cloud has received > 1000 citations! His total citations are > 4000 on Google Scholar!
  • [Aug.2015]Lu Shi will join the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Purdue University Calumet as a Visiting Assistant Professor. Congratulations to Lu!
  • [May.2015]Jiawei Yuan will join the Department of Electrical, Computer, Software, & Systems Engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University as a Tenure-Track Assistant Professor. Congratulations to Jiawei!
  • [Apr.2015]Lu Shi has successfully defended her PhD dissertation. Congratulations!
  • [Apr.2015]Jiawei Yuan is recognized as the Outstanding PhD student for the EIT college and the IGCP PhD program at UALR. Congratulations to Jiawei!
  • [Apr.2015]Jiawei Yuan has successfully defended his PhD dissertation. Congratulations!
  • [Nov.2014]Our NSF-funded private cloud computing instrument is operational now!
  • [Nov.2014]Our paper on encrypted image search got accepted by IEEE Infocom 2015!
  • [Aug.2014]NSF awarded our research on body-area network security!
  • [Mar.2014]Dr. Yu received an AWS in Education Research Grant Award!
  • [Dec.2013]The IAR lab got three papers accepted by IEEE Infocom 2014!
  • [Jun.2013]The IAR lab got one paper accepted by IEEE CNS 2013!
  • [Apr.2013]Our paper BANA got accepted for publication by IEEE JSAC, special issue on Signal Processing Techniques for Wireless Physical Layer Security!
  • [Mar.2013]Our paper on cross-technology interference got accepted as a full paper by IEEE SECON 2013!
  • [Jan.2013]Our paper on wireless authenticated secret key generation got accepted as a full paper by ACM WiSec 2013!
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