Principal Investigator

Dr. Brendan Englot received S.B., S.M.
and Ph.D. degrees in Mechanical Engineering from the Massachusetts
Institute of Technology in 2007, 2009 and 2012, respectively. At MIT,
he studied path planning for surveillance and inspection applications,
deploying his algorithms on an underwater inspection robot that was
produced in quantity for the US Navy. Brendan joined Stevens
in Fall 2014 from the United Technologies Research Center in East
Hartford, Connecticut, where he was a Research Scientist and Principal
Investigator in the Autonomous and Intelligent Robotics Laboratory
(AIRLab) and a technical contributor to the Sikorsky Autonomous
Research Aircraft (SARA). While at United Technologies, Brendan was
also a part-time lecturer in the Department of Mechanical Engineering
at Yale University, where he taught mechatronics in 2013 and 2014.
Brendan is the recipient of a 2017 NSF CAREER award. In 2018, he was
appointed the Geoffrey S. Inman Endowed Junior Professor of Mechanical
Engineering. (Link to Stevens faculty webpage)
Ph.D. Students

Masters Students

Helen Walter-Cardinal received a Bachelor's degree in Physics (while minoring in Mechanical Engineering) from Sorbonne Université in Paris, France in 2018. She is the recipient of a graduate student research assistantship award through the Maritime Security Center and is currently pursuing her Master's degree in Mechanical Engineering at Stevens Institute of Technology. Her research focuses on the improvement of the autonomous navigation of the BlueROV2 for the purpose of underwater infrastructure inspection.
Undergraduate Students

Nathaniel Goldfarb - Bachelor of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (with Thesis) - May 2016 - Now at WPI
Ronnie Ankner - Stevens Pinnacle Scholar Summer Research Assistant, 2016
Matthew Foerst - Stevens Pinnacle Scholar Summer Research Assistant, 2016
Lice Zhang - ME800 (Special Problems in Mech. Eng.) Master's Project, 2016
Xiangyu Xu - ME800 (Special Problems in Mech. Eng.) Master's Project, 2017 - Now in Stevens' C.S. Ph.D. Program
Kyle Alvarado - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2017
James Fredericks - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2017
Mathew Green - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2017
Victoria Kapp - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2017
Anthony Orrico - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2017
Max Panoff - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2017
Dengwei Gao - Visiting PhD Student, 2015-2017 - Now at Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi'an, China)
Kevin Doherty - Bachelor of Engineering in EE (with Thesis) - May 2017 - Now at MIT-WHOI Joint Ph.D. Program
Sarah Bertussi - Stevens Pinncale Scholar Summer Research Assistant, 2017
Xiaoyu Zhu - ME800 (Special Problems in Mech. Eng.) Master's Project, 2018
Dr. Shi Bai - Doctor of Philosophy in Mechanical Engineering - May 2018 - Now an Applied Scientist at Amazon Lab126
Gregoire Caubel - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2018
Anthony Donatelli - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2018
Victoria Kapp - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2018
Naomi Kroyer - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2018
Christopher Slappich - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2018
Asif Uddin - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2018
Joshua Zeitlinger - Maritime Security Center Summer Research Institute (SRI) Program Participant, 2018
Sumukh Patil - ME800 (Special Problems in Mech. Eng.) Master's Project, 2018 - Now at Duro UAS
Nathan Smith - ME401 (Special Problems in Mech. Eng.) Undergraduate Research Project, 2018
Hui Zhang - ME800 (Special Problems in Mech. Eng.) Master's Project, 2018 - Now at Bosch China
Michal Lyskawinski - Master of Science in Computer Science - May 2019
Justin Sitler - Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (with Thesis) - May 2019 - Now in Stevens' M.E. Ph.D. Program
Dong Cui - Visiting PhD Student, 2017-2019 - Now at Northwestern Polytechnical University (Xi'an, China)