Muhammad R. Hajj![]() George Meade Bond Professor and Department Chair Civil, Environmental and Ocean Engineering Director, Davidson Laboratory Stevens Institute of Technology Email:, Phone: 201/216-3556 Physical address: 200 Davidson, 711 Hudson St, Hoboken, NJ 07030 Mailing address: 1 Castle Point Terrace, Hoboken, NJ 07030 Hoboken, NJ 07030
VC Meesala, MR Hajj, "Parameter sensitivity of cantilever beam with tip mass to parametric excitation," Nonlinear Dynamics,, 2019
VC Meesala, MR Hajj, S. Shahab "Modeling and identification of electro-elastic nonlinearities in ultrasonic power transfer," Nonlinear Dynamics,, 2019
SK Al Nuaimi, VC Meesala, MR Hajj, "Phenomenological model of piezoelectric energy harvesting from galloping oscillations," Applied Physics Letters, 115 (19), 193701, 2019.
X. Nie, T. Tan, Z. Yan, Z. Yan, MR Hajj, "Broadband and high-efficient L-shaped piezoelectric energy harvester based on internal resonance," International Journal of Mechanical Sciences, 159, 287-305, 2019.
D. Liu, H. Li, H. Feng, T. Yalkund, MR Hajj"A multi-frequency piezoelectric vibration energy harvester with liquid filled container as the proof mass," Applied Physics Letters, 114 (21), 213902, 2019.
AA Hussein, AE Seleit, HE Taha, MR Hajj, "Optimal transition of flapping wing micro air vehicles from hovering to forward flight," Aerospace Science and Technology, 90, 246-263, 2019.
CR dos Santos, FD Marques, MR Hajj, "Effects of structural and aerodynamic nonlinearities on the energy harvesting from airfoil stall-induced oscillations," Journal of Vibration and Control, 25 (14), 1991-2007, 2019.
VC Meesala, MR Hajj, "Response variations of a cantilever beamĐtip mass system with nonlinear and linearized boundary conditions," Journal of Vibration and Control, 25 (3), 485-496, 2019.
M Bakhtiari-Nejad, A Elnahhas, MR Hajj, S Shahab, "Acoustic holograms in contactless ultrasonic power transfer systems: Modeling and experiment," Journal of Applied Physics, 124 (24), 244901, 2018.
MY Al-Haik, AA Alothman, MR Hajj, "Integrated Thermoelectric Energy Generator and Organic Storage Device," Energy Harvesting and Systems, 5 (3-4), 73-79, 2018.
VC Meesala, MR Hajj, "Identification of nonlinear piezoelectric coefficients," Journal of Applied Physics, 124 (6), 065112, 2018.
JS Alrowaijeh, MR Hajj, "Autonomous self-powered water meter," Applied Physics Letters, 113 (3), 033902, 2018.
JS Alrowaijeh, MR Hajj, "Piezoelectric energy harvesting from flexible delta wings," Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 8 (4), 267-271, 2018.
AA Hussein, HE Taha, S Ragab, MR Hajj, "A variational approach for the dynamics of unsteady point vortices," Aerospace Science and Technology, 78, 559-568, 2018.
JS Alrowaijeh, MR Hajj, "Wirelessly controlled harvester/sensor of air speed," Multiscale and Multidisciplinary Modeling, Experiments and Design, 1 (2), 97-101, 2018.
FD Marques, DA Pereira, MY Zakaria, MR Hajj, "Power extraction from stall-induced oscillations of an airfoil," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29 (7), 1407-1417, 2018.
D Liu, M Al-Haik, M Zakaria, MR Hajj, "Piezoelectric energy harvesting using L-shaped structures," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 29 (6), 1206-1215, 2018.
M Liu, R Lin, S Zhou, Y Yu, A Ishida, M McGrath, B Kennedy, MR Hajj, L. Zuo "Design, simulation and experiment of a novel high efficiency energy harvesting paver," Applied energy, 212, 966-975, 2018.
A Mehmood, MR Hajj, I Akhtar, M Ghommem, LT Watson, TCH Lux, "Optimized Drag Reduction and Wake Dynamics Associated with Rotational Oscillations of a Circular Cylinder," Contemporary Engineering Science, 11(97), 4825-4843, 2018.
AA Hussein, MR Hajj, C Woolsey, "Stable, planar self propulsion using a hinged flap," IFAC-Papers OnLine 51 (29), 395-399, 2018.
MY Zakaria, MM Ibrahim, S Ragab, MR Hajj, "A computational study of vortex shedding from a NACA-0012 airfoil at high angles of attack," International Journal of Aerodynamics 6 (1), 1-17, 2018.
Z Yan, SA Ragab, MR Hajj, "Passive control of transonic flutter with a nonlinear energy sink," Nonlinear Dynamics91 (1), 577-590, 2018
MY Al-Haik, AY Boroujeni, MY Zakaria, MR Hajj, "Effect of embedding ZnO nanorods on nonlinear response of composite beams," Nonlinear Dynamics90 (2), 1179-1189, 2017
MY Zakaria, HE Taha, MR Hajj, "Measurement and modeling of lift enhancement on plunging airfoils: A frequency response approach," Journal of Fluids and Structures69, 187-208, 2017.
MY Al-Haik, Y Haik, MR Hajj, "Characterization of CdS and AgPt nanofillers used in organic capacitors," Synthetic MetalsS223, 26-33, 2017.
Z Yan, MR Hajj, "Nonlinear performances of an autoparametric vibration-based piezoelastic energy harvester," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures28 (2), 254-271, 2017.
Y Bichiou, MR Hajj, AH Nayfeh, "Effectiveness of a nonlinear energy sink in the control of an aeroelastic system," Nonlinear Dynamics, 86 (4), 2161-2177, 2016.
T Tan, Z Yan, MR Hajj, "Electromechanical decoupled model for cantilever-beam piezoelectric energy harvesters," Applied Physics Letters, 109 (10), 101908, 2016.
AA Alothman, MY Zakaria, MR Hajj, SF Masri, "Use of thermoelectric generator for water flow metering," Applied Physics Letters , 109 (3), 033903, 2016.
MY Zakaria, AS Eliethy, RA Canfield, MR Hajj, "A novel imaging technique for measuring kinematics of light-weight flexible structures," Review of Scientific Instruments 87 (7), 075108, 2016.
Z Yan, MR Hajj, "Nonlinear performances of an autoparametric vibration-based piezoelastic energy harvester," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures , 1045389X16649450, 2016.
MY Al-Haik, MY Zakaria, MR Hajj, Y Haik, "Storage of energy harvested from a miniature turbine in a novel organic capacitor," Journal of Energy Storage, 6, 232-238, 2016.
MY Al-Haik, MR Hajj, "Integrated Piezoelectric Energy Harvesting and Organic Storage System," Energy Harvesting and Systems, 3 (2), 113-119, 2016.
RMG Vasconcellos, A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, DP Almeida, FD Marques, "Airfoil control surface discontinuous nonlinearity experimental assessment and numerical model validation," Journal of Vibration and Control, 22 (6), 1633-1644, 2016.
DA Pereira, RMG Vasconcellos, MR Hajj, FD Marques, "Effects of combined hardening and free-play nonlinearities on the response of a typical aeroelastic section," Aerospace Science and Technology, 50, 44-54, 2016.
AA Hussein, MR Hajj, SM Elkholy, GM ELbayoumi, "Dynamic Stability of Hingeless Rotor Blade in Hover Using Padé Approximations," AIAA Journal, 1769-1777, 2016.
Y Bichiou, AO Nuhait, A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, "Unsteady aeroelastic behaviors of rigid airfoils with preset angles of attack," Journal of Vibration and Control, 22 (4), 1010-1022, 2016.
Y Bichiou, A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, "Nonlinear aeroelastic characterization of wind turbine blades," Journal of Vibration and Control, 22 (3), 621-631, 2016.
MY Zakaria, DA Pereira, MR Hajj, "Experimental investigation and performance modeling of centimeter-scale micro-wind turbine energy harvesters," Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 147, 58-65, 2015.
Z Yan, MR Hajj, "Energy harvesting from an autoparametric vibration absorber," Smart Materials and Structures, 24 (11), 115012, 2015.
Z Yan, HE Taha, MR Hajj, "Effects of aerodynamic modeling on the optimal wing kinematics for hovering MAVs," Aerospace Science and Technology, 45, 39-49, 2015.
HE Taha, CA Woolsey, MR Hajj, "Geometric Control Approach to Longitudinal Stability of Flapping Flight," Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 39 (2), 214-226, 2015.
DA Pereira, RMG Vasconcellos, MR Hajj, FD Marques, "Insights on aeroelastic bifurcation phenomena in airfoils with structural nonlinearities," Mathematics in Engineering, Science & Aerospace (MESA), 6 (3), 2015.
N Sharpes, A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, J Heo, KH Cho, S Priya, "Preloaded freeplay wide-bandwidth low-frequency piezoelectric harvesters," Applied Physics Letters , 107 (2), 023902, 2015.
MY Zakaria, MY Al-Haik, MR Hajj, "Experimental analysis of energy harvesting from self-induced flutter of a composite beam," Applied Physics Letters, 107 (2), 023901, 2015.
SB Ayed, SA Ragab, MR Hajj, "Flow Control of Extreme Pressure Loads Associated with Flow Separation," Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 142 (2), 04015068, 2015.
MY Zakaria, HE Taha, MR Hajj, "Design Optimization of Flapping Ornithopters: The Pterosaur Replica in Forward Flight," Journal of Aircraft, 53 (1), 48-59, 2015.
HE Taha, S Tahmasian, CA Woolsey, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, "The need for higher-order averaging in the stability analysis of hovering, flapping-wing flight," Bioinspiration & biomimetics, 10 (1), 016002, 2015.
Z Yan, HE Taha, MR Hajj, "Geometrically-exact unsteady model for airfoils undergoing large amplitude maneuvers," Aerospace Science and Technology, 39, 293-306, 2014.
HE Taha, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, "Effect of the aerodynamic-induced parametric excitation on the longitudinal stability of hovering MAVs/insects," Nonlinear Dynamics, 78 (4), 2399-2408, 2014.
S Ben Ayed, SA Ragab, MR Hajj, "Control of extreme loads on structures using membrane vibrations," Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 141 (4), 04014146, 2014.
A Mehmood, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, "Effects of a non-linear energy sink (NES) on vortex-induced vibrations of a circular cylinder," Nonlinear Dynamics, 77 (3), 667-680, 2014.
A Abdelkefi, N Barsallo, L Tang, Y Yang, MR Hajj, "Modeling, validation, and performance of low-frequency piezoelectric energy harvesters," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 25 (12), 1429-1444, 2014.
A Mehmood, A Abdelkefi, I Akhtar, AH Nayfeh, A Nuhait, MR Hajj, "Linear and nonlinear active feedback controls for vortex-induced vibrations of circular cylinders," Journal of Vibration and control, 20 (8), 1137-1147, 2014.
R Vasconcellos, A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, FD Marques, "Grazing bifurcation in aeroelastic systems with freeplay nonlinearity," Communications in Nonlinear Science and Numerical Simulation, 19 (5), 1611-1625, 2014.
M Ghommem, MR Hajj, PS Beran, IK Puri, "Role of wing morphing in thrust generation," Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 4 (3), 032003, 2014.
HE Taha, MR Hajj, PS Beran, "State-space representation of the unsteady aerodynamics of flapping flight," Aerospace Science and Technology, 34, 1-11, 2014.
HE Taha, MR Hajj, AH Roman, AH Nayfeh, "Calculus of Variations Approach for Optimum Maneuverability of Flapping Micro-Air-Vehicles Near Hover," Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 37 (4), 1367-1373, 2014.
HE Taha, MR Hajj, AH Nayfeh, "Longitudinal flight dynamics of hovering MAVs/insects," Journal of Guidance, Control, and Dynamics, 37 (3), 970-979, 2014.
A Abdelkefi, A Hasanyan, J Montgomery, D Hall, MR Hajj, "Incident flow effects on the performance of piezoelectric energy harvesters from galloping vibrations," Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 4 (2), 022002, 2014.
S Pal, MR Hajj, WP Wong, IK Puri, "Thermal energy storage in porous materials with adsorption and desorption of moisture," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 69, 285-292, 2014.
Z Yan, A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, "Piezoelectric energy harvesting from hybrid vibrations," Smart Materials and Structures, 23 (2), 025026, 2014.
A Abdelkefi, M Ghommem, AO Nuhait, MR Hajj, "Nonlinear analysis and enhancement of wing-based piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 333 (1), 166-177, 2014.
A Mehmood, A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, AH Nayfeh, I Akhtar, AO Nuhait, "Piezoelectric energy harvesting from vortex-induced vibrations of circular cylinder," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 332 (19), 4656-4667, 2013.
A Abdelkefi, Z Yan, MR Hajj, "Nonlinear dynamics of galloping-based piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters," The European Physical Journal Special Topics, 222 (7), 1483-1501, 2013.
A Abdelkefi, A Alothman, MR Hajj, " Performance analysis and validation of thermoelectric energy harvesters," Smart Materials and Structures, 22 (9), 095014, 2013.
A Abdelkefi, JM Scanlon, E McDowell, MR Hajj, "Performance enhancement of piezoelectric energy harvesters from wake galloping," Applied Physics Letters, 103 (3), 033903, 2013.
A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, "Performance enhancement of wing-based piezoaeroelastic energy harvesting through freeplay nonlinearity," Theoretical and Applied Mechanics Letters, 3 (4), 041001, 2013.
HE Taha, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, "Saturation-based actuation for flapping MAVs in hovering and forward flight," Nonlinear Dynamics, 73 (1-2), 1125-1138, 2013.
A Abdelkefi, Z Yan, MR Hajj, "Performance analysis of galloping-based piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters with different cross-section geometries," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1045389X13491019, 2013.
SB Ayed, A Abdelkefi, F Najar, MR Hajj, "Design and performance of variable-shaped piezoelectric energy harvesters," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1045389X13489365, 2013.
M Ghommem, MR Hajj, DT Mook, BK Stanford, PS Beran, LT Watson, "Global-Local optimization of flapping kinematics in hovering Flight," International Journal of Micro Air Vehicles, 5 (2), 109-126, 2013.
A Abdelkefi, Z Yan, MR Hajj, "Temperature impact on the performance of galloping-based piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters," Smart Materials and Structures, 22 (5), 055026, 2013.
A Abdelkefi, Z Yan, MR Hajj, "Modeling and nonlinear analysis of piezoelectric energy harvesting from transverse galloping," Smart materials and Structures, 22 (2), 025016, 2013.
A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, AH Nayfeh, "Piezoelectric energy harvesting from transverse galloping of bluff bodies," Smart Materials and Structures, 22 (1), 015014, 2013.
HE Taha, MR Hajj, AH Nayfeh, "Wing kinematics optimization for hovering micro air vehicles using calculus of variation," Journal of Aircraft, 50 (2), 610-614, 2013.
M Ghommem, I Akhtar, MR Hajj, "A low-dimensional tool for predicting force decomposition coefficients for varying inflow conditions," Progress in Computational Fluid Dynamics, an International Journal, 13 (6) , 2013.
A Abdelkefi, R Vasconcellos, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, "An analytical and experimental investigation into limit-cycle oscillations of an aeroelastic system," Nonlinear Dynamics, 71 (1-2), 159-173, 2013.
M Ghommem, A Abdelkefi, AO Nuhait, MR Hajj, "Aeroelastic analysis and nonlinear dynamics of an elastically mounted wing," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331 (26), 5774-5787, 2012.
A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, AH Nayfeh, "Power harvesting from transverse galloping of square cylinder," Nonlinear Dynamics, 70 (2), 1355-1363 , 2012.
HE Taha, MR Hajj, AH Nayfeh, "Flight dynamics and control of flapping-wing MAVs: a review," Nonlinear Dynamics, 70 (2), 907-939, 2012.
A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, AH Nayfeh, "Phenomena and modeling of piezoelectric energy harvesting from freely oscillating cylinders," Nonlinear Dynamics, 70 (2), 1377-1388, 2012.
M Ghommem, MR Hajj, DT Mook, BK Stanford, PS Beran, RD Snyder, "Global optimization of actively morphing flapping wings," Journal of Fluids and Structures, 33, 210-228, 2012.
A Abdelkefi, R Vasconcellos, FD Marques, MR Hajj, "Bifurcation analysis of an aeroelastic system with concentrated nonlinearities," Nonlinear Dynamics, 69 (1-2), 57-70, 2012.
A Abdelkefi, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, F Najar, "Energy harvesting from a multifrequency response of a tuned bending–torsion system," Smart Materials and Structures, 21 (7), 075029, 2012.
M Ghommem, MR Hajj, IK Puri, "Influence of natural and anthropogenic carbon dioxide sequestration on global warming," Ecological Modelling, 235, 1-7, 2012.
A Abdelkefi, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, "Enhancement of power harvesting from piezoaeroelastic systems," Nonlinear Dynamics, 68 (4), 531-541, 2012.
A Abdelkefi, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, "Design of piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters," Nonlinear Dynamics, 68 (4), 519-530, 2012.
R Vasconcellos, A Abdelkefi, FD Marques, MR Hajj, "Representation and analysis of control surface freeplay nonlinearity," Journal of Fluids and Structures, 31, 79-91, 2012.
A Abdelkefi, R Vasconcellos, FD Marques, MR Hajj, "Modeling and identification of freeplay nonlinearity," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 331 (8), 1898-1907, 2012.
A Abdelkefi, MR Hajj, AH Nayfeh, "Sensitivity analysis of piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters," Journal of Intelligent Material Systems and Structures, 1045389X12440752, 2012.
AH Nayfeh, M Ghommem, MR Hajj, "Normal form representation of the aeroelastic response of the Goland wing," Nonlinear Dynamics, 67 (3), 1847-1861, 2012.
A Abdelkefi, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, "Effects of nonlinear piezoelectric coupling on energy harvesters under direct excitation," Nonlinear Dynamics, 67 (2), 1221-1232, 2012.
A Abdelkefi, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, "Global nonlinear distributed-parameter model of parametrically excited piezoelectric energy harvesters," Nonlinear Dynamics,67 (2), 1147-1160, 2012.
A Abdelkefi, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, "Modeling and analysis of piezoaeroelastic energy harvesters," Nonlinear Dynamics, 67 (2), 925-939, 2012.
SB Ayed, LD Aponte-Bermudez, MR Hajj, HW Tieleman, KR Gurley, "Analysis of hurricane wind loads on low-rise structures," Engineering Structures, 33 (12), 3590-3596, 2011.
A Mola, M Ghommem, MR Hajj, "Multi-physics modelling and sensitivity analysis of olympic rowing boat dynamics," Sports Engineering, 14 (2-4), 85-94, 2011.
M Ghommem, G Balasubramanian, MR Hajj, WP Wong, JA Tomlin, IK Puri, "Release of stored thermochemical energy from dehydrated salts," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 54 (23), 4856-4863, 2011.
AH Nayfeh, BK Hammad, MR Hajj, "Discretization effects on flutter aspects and control of wing/store configurations," Journal of Vibration and Control, 1077546311408468, 2011.
GG Bordonaro, MR Hajj, AH Nayfeh, JC Duke, "Parameter sensitivities to damage progression," Structural Control and Health Monitoring, 18 (5), 481-491, 2011.
G Balasubramanian, M Ghommem, MR Hajj, WP Wong, JA Tomlin, IK Puri, "Modeling of thermochemical energy storage by salt hydrates," International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 53 (25), 5700-5706, 2010.
M Ghommem, MR Hajj, CL Pettit, PS Beran, "Stochastic modeling of incident gust effects on aerodynamic lift," Journal of Aircraft, 47 (5), 1720-1727, 2010.
M Ghommem, MR Hajj, AH Nayfeh, "Uncertainty analysis near bifurcation of an aeroelastic system," Journal of Sound and Vibration, 329 (16), 3335-3347, 2010.
M Ghommem, AH Nayfeh, MR Hajj, "Control of limit cycle oscillations of a two-dimensional aeroelastic system," Mathematical Problems in Engineering, 782457, 2010.
CL Pettit, MR Hajj, PS Beran, "A stochastic approach for modeling incident gust effects on flow quantities," Probabilistic Engineering Mechanics, 25 (1), 153-162, 2010.
G Sansavini, MR Hajj, IK Puri, E Zio, "A deterministic representation of cascade spreading in complex networks," EPL (Europhysics Letters), 87 (4), 48004, 2009.
MD Carrara, MR Hajj, "Hydrodynamic Stability of a Periodically Unsteady Swirling Jet," Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 135 (9), 1000-1005, 2009.
A Mola, G Bordonaro, MR Hajj, "Low-frequency variations of force coefficients on square cylinders with sharp and rounded corners," Journal of Structural Engineering, 135 (7), 828-835, 2009.
MR Hajj, PS Beran, "Higher-order spectral analysis of limit cycle oscillations of fighter aircraft," Journal of Aircraft, 45 (6), 1917-1923, 2008.
CC Chabalko, MR Hajj, WA Silva, "Interrogative testing for nonlinear identification of aeroelastic systems," AIAA journal, 46 (11), 2657-2658, 2008.
HW Tieleman, MAK Elsayed, Z Ge, MR Hajj, "Extreme value distributions for peak pressure and load coefficients," Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96 (6), 1111-1123, 2008.
YM El-Okda, SA Ragab, MR Hajj, "Large-eddy simulation of flow over a surface-mounted prism using a high-order finite-difference scheme," Journal of Wind Engineering and Industrial Aerodynamics, 96 (6), 900-912, 2008.