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Lab News

  • [December 2024] Congratulation to Dr. Guang Yang for successful Ph.D. dissertation defense!

  • [September 2024] Yi Guo presented a Keynote talk entitled "Bridging Model-Based and Learning-Based Control Methods for Autonomous Mobile Robotic Systems"at ICRA@40, held in Rotterdam, Netherlands, Sept. 23-26, 2024.

  • [May 2024] Yi Guo co-chaired the Government Forum: Federal Funding for Robotics Research in the United States at ICRA 2024 at Yokohama, Japan.

  • [December 2023] Yi Guo presented a seminar "Robot-Assisted Guidance and Regulation" at IEEE RAS Chapter - Washington/Northern Virginia Jt Chapter.

  • [September 2023] IEEE Transmitter published the article "The world is getting older. Can robots take care of us?" featuring our research project.

  • [January 2023] Yi Guo serves as Distinguished Lecturer in IEEE Robotics and Automation Society.

  • [December 2022] Yi Guo was honored as one of the newly invested endowed professors and chairs in a Board of Trustees dinner at Stevens. News link

  • [October 2022] Yi Guo was awarded the “Women in Robotics Engineering and Science (WiRES)” at IROS 2022 (The 2022 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems), one of the largest and most influential research conferences in robotics in the world.

  • [January 2022] Stevens News article about our research Stevens Students Take Robotics Project to NYC Community Center.

  • [April 2021] Our research project was featured at Academic Minute: "In-Shoe Sensors and Robot Companions" on April 26.

  • [March 2021] Stevens News article about our research Improving Human-Robot Interaction Relies On Mimicking Human Behavior.

  • [January 2021] Yi Guo starts her role as Editor in Chief for IEEE Robotics and Automation Magazine.

  • [December 2020] Our research is reported in the news article "In-Shoe Sensors and Mobile Robots Keep Seniors Active" in the Dec. 1 Issue of IEEE Spectrum.

  • [October 2020] Our paper was selected as a "highlighted paper with Open Access for the duration of 3 months" by IEEE Transactions on Emerging Topics in Computational Intelligence.

  • [September 2020] Yi Guo presented an invited talk (virtually) at Maryland Robotics Center at University of Maryland.

  • [May 2020] Yi Guo received the 2020 Provost's Award for Research Excellence at Stevens Institute of Technology.

  • [April 2020] Yi Guo was elected as Faculty Trustee in Board of Trustees at Stevens Institute of Technology.

  • [November 2019] Yi Guo presented a Keynote talk on "Learning Human-Robot Interaction for Robot-Assisted Pedestrian Regulation", at IROS (IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems) in Macau, China.

  • [October 2019] Congratulation to Dr. Muhammad Fahad for successful Ph.D. dissertation defense!

  • [July 2019] Chao Jiang presented paper "Optimization of Merging Pedestrian Flows Based on Adaptive Dynamic Programming" at ACC (American Control Conference) in Philadelphia, PA.

  • [June 2019] Yi Guo gave an invited talk on "Learning-Based Control for Autonomous Mobile Robotic Systems" at the CCDC Workshop in Honor of Professor David Hill's 70th Birthday, Nanchang, China, June 02.

  • [May 2019] Congratulation to Dr. Chao Jiang! Chao has received the Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award in Electrical Engineering at Stevens, and will be a tenure-track Assistant Professor in Fall 2019 at University of Wyoming. Chao-award Chao-graduate

  • [November 2018] Stevens News article about research in our lab.

  • [September 2018] Yi Guo and interdisciplinary team (with ME faculty Damiano Zanotto and CAL faculty Ashley Lytle) received NSF award "SCH: INT: Collaborative Research: Aging In Place Through Enhanced Mobility and Social Connectedness: An Integrated Robot and Wearable Sensor Approach". The project is in collaboration with Columbia University with a total project cost of $1,200,000 for four years.

  • [August 2018] Yi Guo received NSF award "Understanding Pedestrian Dynamics for Seamless Human-Robot Interaction".

  • [July 2018] We received the "TJ Tarn Best Application Paper Award" for the paper entitled "Ocean Plume Tracking with Unmanned Surface Vessels: Algorithms and Experiments" at the 13th World Congress on Intelligent Control and Automation (WCICA). The paper is authored by M. Fahad, Y. Guo, K. Krasnosky, L. Fitzpatrick, F. A. Sanabria and B. Bingham.

  • [June 2018] We welcome two undergrduate students, Mohammed Elmzaghi (Stevens I&E Fellow) and Pengyu Zhang (from Tsinghua University, China), joining the lab for summer research experience.

  • [May 2018] Two referred journal papers authored by the Ph.D. students, Chao Jiang and Muhammad Fahad, have been accepted in Robotics and Autonomous Systems and Frontiers in Robotics and AI: Robotic Control Systems.

  • [April 2018] Two referred confernece papers authored by the Ph.D. students, Muhammad Fahad, Zhuo Chen and Chao Jiang, have been accepted in Ubiquitous Robots 2018 and WCICA2018.

  • [October 2017] Yi Guo presented a talk at the National Robotics Initiative PI meeting, Arlington, VA, Nov. 9-10, 2017.

  • [September 2017] The Ph.D. student, Muhammad Fahad, has won Student Poster Competition in Oceans Conference held in Anchorage, Alaska on Sept. 18-21, 2017. Muhammad presented his poster entitled "Evaluation of Ocean Plume Characteristics using Unmanned Surface Vessels" at the conference.

  • [September 2017] The Ph.D. student, Muhammad Fahad, has published his paper entitled "Robotic Experiments to Evaluate Ocean Plume Characteristics and Structure" in Proceedings of IEEE IROS 2017.

  • [April 2017] Yi Guo spoke as a panelist on "Smart Cities/Transportation Chat" at Internet of Things Conference organized by NJ Tech Council, April 26, 2017.

  • [March 2017] Yi Guo published the book entitled "Distributed Cooperative Control: Emerging Applications" (John Wiley & Sons, 2017).

  • [March 2017] Yi Guo presented an invite talk on Future Environmental Impact of Robotics at IEEE Workshop on Advanced Robotics and its Social Impacts (ARSO) held in Austin, TX.

  • [November 2016] Yi Guo presented a Rapid Fire talk at the National Robotics Initiative PI meeting, and also presented two posters entitled "Robot-Assisted Pedestrian Evacuation" and "Human-Robot Interaction Experiments in Human Collective Motion", Arlington, VA, Nov. 29-30, 2016.

  • [October 2016] Yi Guo co-chaired the session "Human-Robot Interaction", and presented the paper entitled "Robot-Assisted Pedestrian Regulation in an Exit Corridor" at IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems, which was held in Daejeon, Korea.

  • [Juy 2016] Yi Guo presented invited talks at Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing University of Science and Technology, and Nanjing University of Science and Technology, China.

  • [April 2016] Yi Guo presented an invited talk at NYU Tandon School of Engineering on Research in autonomous mobile robots.

  • [April 2016] Two Senior Design Groups presented Robotic Fish and Autonomous Drone at Stevens Expo. News article from Hudson Reporter reported the work.

  • [December 2015] Our experimental videos using unmanned surface vessels for pollution plume tracking are on vimoe channels.

  • [November 2015] Yi Guo presented a Rapid Fire talk at the National Robotics Initiative PI meeting, and also presented a poster entitled "Robot-Assisted Pedestrian Evacuation from an Exit Corridor", Washington D.C., Nov. 5-6, 2015.

  • [October 2015] Yi Guo presented an invited talk entitled "Ocean Robotics for Environmental Monitoring" at the 2015 Annual Convention, Chinese Institute of Engineers Greater New York Chapter, New York, NY, Oct. 17, 2015.

  • [August 2015] Yi Guo and Muhammad Fahad conducted field testing of unmanned surface vehicles monitoring ocean pollution plume at Makai Research Pier in Hawaii. Pictures can be found here.

  • [August 2015] Yi Guo received National Robotics Initiative grant from NSF on Dynamic Robot Guides for Emergency Evacuations.

  • [June 2015] Two high school students, Jack Hyslop and Laura Uribe (female), joined the lab for summer research experience.

  • [May 2015] Ph.D. student, Muhammad Fahad, presented his work "Robotic Simulation of Dynamic Plume Tracking by Unmanned Surface Vessels" at ICRA 2015.

  • [May 2015] Yi Guo attended ICRA 2015 as an Organizing Committee member (the Finance Chair), and chaired the session "Automation Technologies from Factory to Field".

  • [January 2015] Yi Guo was invited to give a talk on our research "Multi-robot Cooperative Tracking of Dynamic Ocean Plume" in the Texas A&M Robotics Symposium, where eighteen top female researchers in the field of robotics and automation from all over the world presented their work. See the news article about the symposium "Top researchers share cutting-edge work at robotics symposium".

  • [January 2015] Yi Guo was invited to present in NSF Sponsored Workshop: Research Issues at the Boundary of AI and Robotics.

  • [September 2014] The PhD student, Chao Jiang, presented his paper entitled "Robot-Assisted Human Indoor Localization Using the Kinect Sensor and Smartphones" in 2014 IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS 2014) at Chicago, IL.

  • [July 2014] The undergraduate student, Nathaniel Saul, from University of Hawaii visited our lab and conducted research on ocean dynamic plume modeling. The trip was supported by a grant from University of Hawaii to work on our NSF funded robot plume tracking project.

  • [July 2014] Postdoc, Junwei Wang, joined our lab. Dr. Wang comes to us from University of Science and Technology Beijing. His Ph.D. dissertation is on Nonlinear distributed parameter systems and its applications.

  • [May 2014] We welcome two female undergraduate students, Melissa Gibbons and Cassandra Nicholas, to join our lab for summer research experiences, supported by Stevens Summer Scholar program and Stevens I&E Summer Scholar program, respectively.

  • [May 2014] We welcome the high school student, Fang-Zhou Yu, from Brooklyn Tech High School, to join our lab for summer research experience in robotics.

Media Coverage

Questions? Email yguo1@stevens.edu